APOSS-SSC and Intermediate Courses-Admissions for the academic year 2024-25 Extension of Admissions

APOSS-SSC and Intermediate Courses-Admissions for the academic year 2024-25 Extension of Admissions Schedule-Orders issued-Reg.


1) Govt. Memo.No.2493873/Prog.V/2024,dt:29/07/2024.

2) Prospectus for SSC and Intermediate Courses of APOSS for the academic year 2024-25.

3) This office Procs. Rc.No.APOSS-13/2/2022-ADMIN SEC APOSS-1, dt:30.07.2024.

4) Note orders of the Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh in File No. APOSS-11/36/2024-ADMIN SEC-APOSS, dt:06.09.2024

In continuation to the orders issued in the reference 3rd cited, all the District Educational Officers in the State are hereby informed that admission Schedule of APOSS for admission into S.S.C & Intermediate courses for the academic year 2024-25 is hereby extended upto 25.09.2024 as per the orders in the reference 4th cited.

The District Educational Officers in the State are informed that the extension of the admission schedule is intended for Special Drive of Out of School Children in Mandal as Unit as per the instructions of the Government. Hence, the following aspects shall be attended in Mandal level without fail.

High School Wise:-

1) Confirm whether all 9th class students in 2023-24 are now studying in 10th class in the same school. If any missing, whether the student joined in any other school or not. If not joined any school, the student shall be tracked and efforts shall be made for joining in SSC in Open School. 2) Confirm whether all 8th class students in 2023-24 are now studying in 9th class in the same school. If any missing, whether the student joined in any other school or not. If not joined any school and the student having 14+ age, the student shall be tracked and efforts shall be made for joining in SSC in Open School.

3) The SSC failed students from the March, 2022 onwards and not passed even June, 2024, shall be guided for Open Schools SSC by guiding the following options:

A) In regular SSC fixed 6 subjects and whereas in Open Schools more subject options available and no need of taking Mathematics and Science subjects if student not interested to study Intermediate in future.

B) If student passed two or more subjects, Maximum two subjects should be taken for Transfer of Credits as per student choice and if student passed one subject, transfer of Credit should be given for one subject. In such cases, remaining 3 or 4 subjects only to be attended for issuing pass certificates.

4) Previous years dropouts in various classes and never enrolled, who are 14+ age in the Mandal shall be identified from Mandal records and shall take immediate steps for joining them in SSC Open Schools.

5) The students who passed SSC and not joined in Intermediate or equivalent courses, identify such student and join them in Open Schools Intermediate course.

All the District Educational Officers are requested to submit weekly reports the progress of admissions on every Friday w.e.f. 13.09.2024.

Therefore, all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to

issue Press/Media Note in their respective Districts for wide publicity among the learners and public so as to reach every nook and corner of the District with regard to Admissions into S.S.C & Intermediate courses of A.P.O.S.S for the Year 2024-25 and submit the press clippings to this office.


Top Priority should be given to this item of work.

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