Instructions on Dress code to Ayahs

School Education Department -MDM&SS- Certain Instructions on Dress code to Ayahs-Issued- Regarding.


The Government of Andhra Pradesh has setup the Toilet Maintenance Fund (TMF) for maintaining cleanliness of the Toilets, Urinals, dress change room, wash basins and other associated items of the toilet complexes in all the government schools and all the Government Junior Colleges in Rural and Urban areas

The Vision of the creating TMF is "The professional and scientific maintenance of Toilets in Schools / College premises in all Government and Government schools/ colleges through optimal utilization of financial and human resources and through School / College committees participation in order to provide the best hygienic conditions to the students to promote their health &self esteem and there by contribute to improved leaning outcomes."

Accordingly toilet care takers i.e Ayahs positioned for the purpose of cleaning and up-keeping the toilets clean and to set standards. At present 46,676 Ayahs are working in the schools based on the students strength and no dress code has been prescribed to them.

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Director of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are requested to allow all the Ayahs to cleaning and up-keeping the toilets clean and to set standards with wearing their convenient dress/sari without insisting particular dress code and issue necessary instructions to all the field functionaries of their jurisdiction in this regard

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