Exemption of Office Bearers of all the Recognised Service Associations in the State at State/ District level, and Division/ Taluk Level from general transfers

General Transfers-2024 - Exemption of Office Bearers of all the Recognised Service Associations in the State at State/ District level, and Division/ Taluk Level from general transfers Certain instructions Issued

Circular Memo No. GAD01-SWOSERA/13/2024-SW Dated: 22.08.2024

Ref:- 1. Circular Memo No. GAD01-SW-SERA/7/2019-2, dated 30.05.2023 of the General Administation (SW) Dept.

2. G.O. Ms. No.75, Finance (HR.I-PLG & Policy) Dept dated 17.08.2024.

The attention of all the Head of the Departments/Collectors & District Magistrates is invited to the reference 2nd cited and they are informed that it has been brought to the notice of the Government that certain Employees Service Associations have been issuing office bearer letters/ fake certificates to employees for facilitating them to claim themselves as office bearers of the association in order to get exemption from general transfers.

2. They are therefore, requested to obtain following documents from recognised service association and verify the genuineness of certificates issued by the Recognised Service Associations right from lowest category of employee to Gazetted category officers before giving exemption to the Office Bearers of the Service Associations in General Transfers: In case of any deviations/violation, furnish report to Government as to initiate necessary action as per ROSA provisions besides legal action if required:

1. Bye-laws of the recognised service which submits certificate/letter for exemption of Office Bearer from general transfer

2. Voters list of the associations to verify whether the employees who claims exemption from general transfer, included in the list of voters of their association

3. Whether the post of Office bearer covers in the bye-laws of the Association 4. Copy of proceedings of appointment of respective Election Officer

5. Respective Election Notification of the association for the office bearer post

6. Election Proceedings/results declared by the Election Officer

7. General Body resolution in case of co-opted the Office Bearer

Exemption of Office Bearers of all the Recognised Service Associations in the State at State/ District level, and Division/ Taluk Level from general transfers Download Copy

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