MDM Registers Rice Eggs Chikki Ragi Jaggery Stock Registers

Mid Day Meal (MDM) registers are essential for tracking and managing the school meal program. Here are some common registers used in MDM programs:

1. Rice Register:

   - This register records the quantity of rice received, distributed, and remaining.

   - It helps monitor rice usage and ensures efficient stock management¹.

2. Food Testing Register:

   - Schools maintain this register to document food quality testing results.

   - It ensures that the meals meet safety and hygiene standards

3. Tasting Register:

   - The tasting register logs feedback from students and staff about the quality and taste of the meals.

   - It helps improve meal preparation and menu planning

4. Eggs and Chikki Registers:

   - The focus here is on eggs and chikki (a sweet snack) provided to students.

   - Indent Placement:

     - Headmasters (HMs) must strictly place and comply with indents for eggs and chikki.

     - They should use the IMMS (Integrated Management and Monitoring System) APP to update the indent phase-wise between the 10th and 15th of each month.

     - The indent schedule includes details for supply in the subsequent month¹.

   - Receipt and Consumption:

     - HMs should update the receipt of eggs from suppliers in the IMMS App.

     - The indent for eggs and chikki is confirmed by HMs and displayed school-wise, mandal-wise, and district-wise

MDM Registers Rice Eggs Chikki Ragi Jaggery Stock Registers

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