We Love Reading Summer Activities 6.6.24

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Activity Sheet

Maths Activity

Helping children improve their English speaking skills can be both fun and rewarding. Here are some effective strategies:

1. **Games and Play**:
   - **Gamify** language learning by incorporating games. Simple games like "I-spy" or more challenging ones like "pictionary" provide opportunities for direct practice.
   - Encourage children to talk about their favorite games (e.g., Angry Birds or Minecraft) in English. Discussing the game's purpose can overcome inhibitions.

2. **Storytelling**:
   - Stories provide context for speaking English. Read stories together, and encourage children to assume the role of storyteller.
   - Ask questions that promote predictions, reflection, and emotional exploration related to the story.

3. **Mobile Apps and Interactive Storybooks**:
   - Explore well-designed interactive storybooks through apps. These combine reading with engaging activities.
   - The British Council's LearnEnglish Kids: Phonics Stories is a great resource for young learners⁴.

4. **Create a Positive Atmosphere**:
   - Let children know that making mistakes is normal and essential for learning.
   - Avoid pressuring them to give lengthy answers. Even one-word responses are fine.
   - Be relaxed and attentive when they speak.

5. **Fun Speaking Activities**:
   - Encourage light-hearted and unpredictable answers. Use different tones (happy, sad, singing opera) to make it enjoyable.
   - Combine language learning with creative activities they already enjoy, such as singing, playing games, or role-playing.

6. **English-Language Media**:
   - Introduce English-speaking music, films, cartoons, and books. Children often learn better when motivated by their interests.
   - Use toys (e.g., a toy version of a favorite cartoon character) that "understand" only English to encourage private conversations.

7. **Correcting Mistakes**:
   - Correct mistakes selectively and avoid interrupting while they speak. Focus on building fluency and confidence.

Remember, patience and encouragement go a long way in helping children speak English with confidence!
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