PM POSHAN Gorumudda (Mid Day Meal) Implementation of Scheme after re-opening of Schools by 13th June-2024 Rc.1773281 Dt:11.06.24

PM POSHAN Gorumudda (Mid Day Meal) Implementation of Scheme after re-opening of Schools by 13th June-2024-Certain Instructions - Issued - Reg.


1. Work orders issued to the existing suppliers vide this office Procs.Rc. No, 27021/85/2021-MDM-CSE-107 to 132, dt.25.07.2023. 

2. Work orders issued to the existing suppliers vide this office Procs.Rc. No, 1475469/MDM & SS/2022-1 to 6, dt.31.01.2024.

3. Rice Indent placed to Civil Supplies Dept.

4. Indent of Ragi & Jaggery placed to Sri Satya Sai Central Trust, Puttaparthi.

5. CSE Procs.Rc.No.ESE02-30027/2/2023-A&I-CSE, dt.02.04.2024.

6. CSE Memo.No.Spl/A&I/2024-CSE, dt.10.06.2024.

As you are aware that the Summer holidays are from 24.04.2024 to 11.06.2024 and the Schools will be re-opened on 13-06-2024 (Thursday) for the academic year 2024-25 as per the orders reference 6th cited.

Therefore, all the District Educational officers in the State are hereby requested to ensure the following by 13TH JUNE-2024:-

1. Revised menu be implemented and be cooked in hygienic conditions as per SOP instructions issued time-to-time.

2. Indents (online) placed for supply of Eggs shall be reached to all Schools of Gorumudda (MDM) under their control in the supply schedule mentioned below:

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