Students Kits Acquittance 2024-25

Jagananna Vidya Kanuka (JVK) is a program initiated by the Andhra Pradesh Government to provide educational kits to students. Here are some details related to the JVK kit acquittance:

Student Kits Acquittance 2024-25

1. Acquittance Forms:

    - You can download the JVK Kit 2024 Acquittance Form in PDF format

    - Additionally, you can get the Excel version of the JVK Kit 2024 Acquittance Form.

    - The Stock Register for JVK Kit 2024 is also available for download.

    - There are checklists available for the JVK Kit:

        - Checklist to Put Inside Bag: This checklist ensures that all necessary items are included in the bag.

        - Detailed Checklist: Provides a comprehensive list of items in the JVK Kit.

    - You can also download the **receipt** for the JVK Kit.

2. Text Books Acquittance:

    - For primary text books, you can download the acquittance form in both PDF and Excel formats.

    - Similarly, high school text books also have acquittance forms available for download.

3.JVK Kit Distribution:

    - The JVK Kit is provided to students studying in certain classes.

    - In the current academic year (2024-25), students in 6th, 8th, or 9th grade who are newly enrolled in schools can receive the JVK Kit.

    - Students who received the JVK Kit in the previous academic year (2023-24) for Primary (5th), Upper Primary (7th/8th), and High School (10th) classes are not eligible for a new kit.

    - Students who have transferred from other schools should not receive the JVK Kit.

    - The JVK Kit should not be given to students who have taken a Transfer Certificate (TC) and left the school.

    - The JVK Kit distributed to students in the previous academic year should continue to be used by students currently studying in Upper Primary (UP) or High School.

    - Each bag should have a checklist with all items properly documented.

    - The uniform for girls is labeled as "Girls," and for boys, it is labeled as "Boys." The class level is also indicated on the uniform.

    - The JVK Kit includes items such as notebooks, textbooks, and other educational materials.

Remember to follow the guidelines and ensure that the JVK Kit reaches the eligible students. If you have any specific queries or need further assistance, you can contact the relevant education authorities or the JVK app support team.

Student Kit Acquittance

NT Books Acquittance

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