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Interview Date: 06.03.2024
PGTs: English, Hindi, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science
TGTs: English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Maths, Science, Social Science Primary Teachers, Spoken English Teacher, Computer Instructor, Vocational/Skill teacher, Sports Coach, Yoga Instructor, Counselor, Special Educator, Nurse, Foreign Language Teacher
Note: 1. Registration of the candidates for Interview will be done on 06.03.20254 from 8.00 AM to 10.00 AM only. No Candidate will be allowed for the registration after the date & time mentioned above
2. Candidates must bring Original Relevant Qualification Certificates, recent colour passport photo & a set of xerox copies of all the relevant certificates on the date of interviews for Verification. 3. For qualifications and other details visit our website- https://machhlipatnam.kys.ac.in/ and Vidyalaya Notice Board.
Interview Venue:
PM SHRI KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA, MACHILIPATNAM (Ministry of Education, Govt. of India) BYPASS ROAD , MACHILIPATNAM-521 001-Krishna District Andhra Pradesh
E-MAIL: kvmachilipatnam@gmail.com Website: https://machhlipatnam.kvs.ac.in
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