APESS Drafting of certain teachers as invigilators to the Intermediate Public Examination-2024 Misuse of Non-Exam days - Not attending the regular school in name of OD - Certain instructions-issued to the MEOs & HMs in Zone-IV-Regarding.
Rc.No. 1Spl/RJDSE/2024 Dated:02-03-2024.
Ref: Certain complaints received from parents of children in Zone-IV
The attention of all the Mandal Educational Officers and Head Masters in Zone-IV is invited to the reference cited above, wherein a few teachers who were drafted as invigilators to the Intermediate Public Examination-2024 are not attending the regular school during the days on which there is no exam duty. This is highly irregular and against AP CC&A Rules.
Hence all the Mandal Educational Officers and Head Masters shall look into this issue and bring any defaulting teachers drafted in iritant the Intermediate Public Examination-2024 shall be brought to the notice of the District Educational Officers in written. Further all the Distintset Officers in Zone-IV shall issue a circular memo to this effect.
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