Initiatives-LIP Visiting of District and State teams along with the partner agencies for monitoring the implementation of LIP-Instructions Rc.15022

Samagra Shiksha, AP-Quality Initiatives-LIP Visiting of District and State teams along with the partner agencies for monitoring the implementation of LIP-Instructions issued - Reg. Ref: Lr. No. CIPS-ASCI/FLN/2022/4159, De 10.01.2024 of the Director, CIPS

Re.No. SS-15022/35/2022-SAMO-SSA-Part(2), Dt: 29/01/2024

The District Educational Officers, Principal DIETs and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha of the LIP districts are informed that in the ref cited the Director, CIPS has furnished a schedule for visiting the District and State teams for monitoring the implementation of LIP in the LIP districts.

District team visits:

The district team visits are proposed from 5th February to 9th February. 2024. The guidelines for the constitution of district teams and their monitoring aspects are at Annexure- 1. The MEOs must accompany the teams. The DIET Principal is to head the team supported by the AMO of Samagra Shiksha.

It is proposed to conduct an online meeting with DEOs and MEOs (1) of 10 districts on 3rd February, 2024 by the SPD to review the progress with DEOs, MEOS, DIET principals, district team members of 10 districts based on the district team observation reports.

The DIET Principal submit a brief report of district team visits the Implementation of LIP to the SPD. APSS and a copy to DEO and partner organizations. The TA, DA for the district team members shall be met from the DPO management cost of Samagra Shiksha of concerned district.

State team visits:

The state team visits are four days from the 20th to 23 February, 2024. The state team members drafted to the districts is enclosed at Annexure-III. The state team constitute of 5 members as a team to each of the 5 erstwhile districts. These five members of a team are 1 per subject Le.. Telugu. English. Maths, Science and Social Studies. Each team visit the school in the erstwhile district and as well as new district 2 days per districts. Every team member has to visit two schools per day and every member to visit a different school (no two members to visit the same Progress review by SPD: school).

It is proposed to conduct an online meeting on 24th February, 2024 by the SPD. APSS to review the progress with DEOs, MEOS, DIET principals. Academic persons of Samagra Shiksha, and state and district team members of 10 districts based on the state team observation reports. The TA. DA & Honorarium for the state team members will be paid by the CIPS.

File No.SS-15022/35/2022-SAMO-SSA-Part(2)

The DEO arrange the transport and accommodation the state team members.

Online Monitoring formats- Monitoring app:

The CIPS has developed online monitoring app with observation formats on the Implementation of LIP. Following are the online observation formats available on LIP app created by CIPS.

1. Classroom Observation format for both teaching and practice periods- Telugu

2. Classroom Observation format for both teaching and practice periods- English.

3. Classroom Observation format for both teaching and practice periods- Maths

4. Classroom Observation format for both teaching and practice periods- Science.

5. Classroom Observation format for both teaching and practice periods. Social Studies,

6. Bi- monthly progress report class wise for 6th, 7th 8th-Telugu. 7. Bi- monthly progress report-class wise for 6th, 7th & 8th. English.

Bi- monthly progress report class wise for 6th, 7th 8th. Maths.

8. 9. Bi-monthly progress report class wise for 6th, 7th 8th. Science..

10.Bi- monthly progress report- class wise for 6th, 7th & 8th-Social Studies. 

11. School observation format Observation of HM functional aspects and other school related activities. 

12.Subject wise school complex meetings observation format. The above formats are already given in the lip teacher handbook and provided to every teacher and RPs during the training program. All the observation formats as above are in the form of app Le.. LIP app. The DEOS, MEOS, AMOs, district and state team members must download the app and record the observations on the online observation formats and upload. The CIPS the app consolidate and produce district wise reports on the status of implementation of LIP in the districts and furnish the same to the SPD, APSS for the review with DEOs and other educational officials of the districts.

Therefore the District Educational Officers, Principal DIETS and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha of the LIP districts are requested to cooperate with the District and State team officials during the visit for effective implementation of the LIP programme. Smt. S. Kalpana. Programme Training Officer of this office is instructed to coordinate with District and State teams during their visit.

Enels: Annexure I to III

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