EMRS Admission Notification 6th in all EMR Schools and backlog vacancies (if any) in Classes 7th, 8th and 9th for the Academic Year 2024-25

APTWREIS (Gurukulam) Tadepalli - EMRS Wing - Admissions into entry point Class i.e., 6th in all EMR Schools and backlog vacancies (if any) in Classes 7th, 8th and 9th for the Academic Year 2024-25 - Conduct of written test – Certain Guidelines communicated — Regarding.

Ref: 1. F. No NESTS/ EMRS / Admission / 140/2021-22, dated:

16.08.2022 of the Commissioner, NESTS.

2. Note orders of the Vice-Chairman dated.10.02.2024.


The Ministry of Tribal afairs (MoTA), Government of India have established National Education Society for Tribal Students (NESTS) for maintaining Ekalavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) across the country. The NESTS, MoTA have sanctioned (28) EMRSs in Andhra Pradesh. All are functioning under the aegis of APTWREI Society (Gurukulam).

In the reference cited, the Ministry of Tribal Afairs, GoI, New Delhi have communicated the draft admission guidelines for the academic year 2024-25. Based on the draft admission guidelines,the following is the reservation criteria which should be maintained in all EMR Schools across the Country.

The Gurukulam has decided to take up the state level admissions for the Academic Year 2024-25 from class 6th and backlog vacancies for 7th, 8th and 9th classes into the (28) EMR Schools through written test on merit basis.

1. Admission Eligibility: 

The minimum and maximum age limit (as on 31st March of the year in which admission is sought) for admission in Eklavya Model Residential Schools in various classes is given below: (Child born on 1st April should also be considered.)

Class and Admission Age:

VI 10 years 13 years 

VII 11 years 14 years 

VIII 12 years 15 years 

IX 13 years 16 years 

X 14 years 17 years 


I. The maximum age limit can be relaxed by two years in case of Diferently abled children by the State/TT EMRS Societies.

2. Class Strength and Competent Authorities:A fully functional EMRS shall have 2 sections in each class fromV I to X and 3 sections in Class XI & XII (one of each stream viz.Science, Commerce & Humanities) with a total sanctioned strengthof 480 @ 30 per section per class.

3. General Eligibility Criteria:

I. The candidates belonging to the reservation categories mentioned at the table 2.4 of Admission Guidelines Academic year 2024-2025, in respect of their domiciled State/ TT are eligible to apply for admission.

II. A candidate should fulfll the age criteria as mentioned at point

2.1 Admission Eligibility. In case of doubtful cases of overage in comparison to the age recorded in the certifcate, they may be referred to the District Medical Board for confrmation of the age. The decision of the Medical Board will be treated as fnaland binding on both the parties.

III.Candidate should not be rusticated from any of the schools. reroved Note for the Cabinet Committee on Economic Afairs (CCEA) vide Ministry of Tribal Afairs letter No. 17011/03/2019-EMRS (Part — I) dated 05.12.2021, the below mentioned reservation criteria shall be followed for granting admissions in


l. Reservation

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