Convening a hybrid Meeting with service associations on employees issues/demands on 28.02.2024 at 10.00 AM at CS Camp Office, Vijayawada


The Secretary to Govt., (Ser& HRM),

General Administration Department,

A.P. Secretariat


1. The Spl. Chief Secretary to Government, MA & UD Dept.,

2. The Spl. Chief Secretary to Government, Revenue (Excise) Dept.,

3. The Spl. Chief Secretary to Government, Revenue (Lands) Dept.

4. The Spl. Chief Secretary to Government, Gram Volunteers, Ward Volunteers and Village Secretariats & Ward Secretariats

5. The Spl. Chief Secretary to Government, PR&RD Dept.,

6. The Spl. Chief Secretary to Government, Finance Dept.,

7. The Spl. Chief Secretary to Government, HM&FW Dept.,

8. The Special CS to Govt., Agri & Cooperation Dept.,

9. The Special CS to Govt., AHDDF Dept (FAC)

10. The Prl. Secy, to Govt., School Education Department.

11. The Principal Secretary to Govt (HR), Finance Dept.,

12. The Prl. Secy, to Govt., Dept. for Women, Children, Disabled, Senior Citizens

13. The Prl. Secretary to Govt., Water Resources Dept.,

14. The Ex-Officio Principal Secretary to Government, Planning Dept.

15. The Principal Secretary to Govt., Tribal Welfare Dept.,

16. The Principal Secretary to Govt., Finance (GST) Department

17. The Principal Secretary to Govt. Skills Development & Training Dept.,

18. The Principal Secretary to Govt (Political), Genl. Admn. Dept.,

19. The Secretary to Govt., TR&B Department.

20. The Secretary to Govt., (Ser& HRM), GAD

21. The Secretary to Govt., Social Welfare Dept.

22. The Secretary to Govt., Finance (Budget &IF) Department


Sub: Services Welfare Meetings Convening a hybrid Meeting with service associations on employees issues/demands on 28.02.2024 at 10.00 AM at CS Camp Office, Vijayawada - Regarding.

Ref: Note No.043/OSD-CS/2024, dated 26.02.2024 together with the Representations of the certain Service Associations.

I am to invite attention to the reference cited and inform that the JAC of Employees, Teachers, Workers and Pensioners, A.P., A.P. Government Vehicle Driver's Central Association, A.P. Doctors Association, A.P. Revenue Service Association, AP JAC, Amaravathi, and A.P. Panchayat Raj Engineers' Association have submitted representations to Government for resolving their demands (Copies of representations enclosed).

2. A Statement showing the gist of demands of Service Associations is enclosed herewith.

3. The remarks on the demands pertaining to your departments may be forwarded to General Administration (SW) Dept in both hard copy and soft copy to email prisecy and by 2.00 PM on 27.02.2024 for consolidation.

4. I am further to inform that the Chief Secretary will hold a hybrid meeting to discuss on the progress on resolving demands on 28.02.2024 at 10.00 AM at CS Camp Office, Vijayawada, VC link will be shared.

5. I am therefore request you to make it convenient to attend the above meting along with the specific agenda and updated remarks on the issues/demands pertaining to your department as per the above statement enclosed.

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