Campaign to spread awareness about the strengths and future prospects for the courses offered in the Government Junior Colleges and recently upgraded High Schools to enhance the enrolment rate GO.79

School Education -IE Campaign to spread awareness about the strengths and future prospects for the courses offered in the Government Junior Colleges and recently upgraded High Schools to enhance the enrolment rate. and showcase better future for the students- Orders Issued.


G.O.Rt. No.79 Dated: 24.02.2024 Read the following:-

1.Govt. vide G.O.Ms. No. 124, School Edn. (Prog.I) Dept., Dated 07.07.2022. 

2.G.O.Ms.No. 145,School Edn. (Prog.I) Dept., Dt:29.08.2022. 

3.G.O.Ms.No. 162, School Edn. (Prog.1) Dept Dt:04.10.2022.

4.G.O.Ms.No.14 School Education (IE.A1)dept. Dt: 20.02.2024.

Government in the G.Os read above has recently upgraded 504 High Schools as Junior colleges, apart from 474 Government Junior colleges. Such a massive institutional strength needs to be utilized for the proper benefit of the society. In Government Junior Colleges, there are un parallel number of courses with the mapped guidelines for the higher level of courses for the students along with related future job paths. A comprehensive list of available courses, eligibility criteria, apprenticeship opportunities, on-the-job training (OJT) programs, bridge courses, and potential job prospects is provided vide annexure appended to this G.O.

2. There are variety of courses available in addition to the traditional subject courses of MPC, BIPC, CEC, and HEC. Over the past two years, the Government has implemented several initiatives aimed at revitalizing Intermediate Colleges, such as the Nadu-Nedu program, the Ammavodi program, and the regularization of Contract Faculties. As a result of these efforts, an ample number of Junior Lecturers capable of teaching these additional courses present in these institutions. It is imperative to launch a comprehensive campaign across all 978 Government Junior Colleges and with the help of these colleges and Mandal Education Officers, ensuring that the courses offered by Junior Colleges are effectively promoted at the feeder High Schools. This proactive approach will facilitate maximum student enrolment in these courses in the foreseeable future.

3. Government, with an objective to enhance the enrolment rate, hereby direct the Commissioner of Intermediate Education and the Commissioner of School Education to constitute a team in each college along with the Mandal team as well as with the help of few Junior Lecturers of the Junior Colleges. This team shall visit all the feeding High Schools, both Government and Private and motivate students to join the Government Junior College and proceed with the on-spot admission facility with the condition that the student will submit the 10th report card on the day of opening of college, which is 1/06/2024.

4. The Commissioner of Intermediate Education, A.P., and Commissioner of School Education, A.P., are requested to take further necessary action accordingly, in the matter.


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