Meeting on 'Online Pension Authorisation System' at 3.00 pm on 06.11.2023 in the Conference Hall, Ground Floor, Nidhi Bhavan, Near APIIC Building, Mangalagiri

State Audit Dept.- Meeting on 'Online Pension Authorisation System' at 3.00 pm on 06.11.2023 in the Conference Hall, Ground Floor, Nidhi Bhavan, Near APIIC Building, Mangalagiri- Regarding

Ref: This office Lr.No.26/1&N/2023, dated: 27-07-2023.

The Government have examined the various stages of the pension process with a view to provide the pensionary benefits in a timely, efficient, and effective manner and to make it hassle-free for the retiring Government employees and pensioners. As a result, the major pension processes and forms have been simplified, re-designed and brought on to an on-line platform. This On-line Pension Processing System is envisaged to ensure disposal of pension proposals in a speedy, transparent, accurate and secured manner.

In this regard a meeting was conducted on 30-07-2022 on Online Pension Authorisation System and feed back was taken from the associations and the pension software was also developed accordingly.

Keeping in view the implementation of online pension processing system, a meeting will be held at 3.00 pm on 06.11.2023 in the Conference Hall, Ground Floor, Nidhi Bhavan, Near

APIIC Tower, Mangalagiri. A Demo on Online Pension Authorisation System will also be presented by the APCFSS team.

Therefore, the office bearers of the associations are requested to attend the meeting and furnish the views


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