Caste Survey Operational Guidelines

Committee of Secretaries discussed the importance and relevance of undertaking a caste-based Survey in the state

CoS studied the methodology adopted in respect of similar survey done by the Bihar state and its adoptability to the state of Andhra Pradesh

> Meetings held at CS live finalized modalities of the Survey

Approval by the Cabinet on 3 November 2023 to conduct the Survey for.

Collecting comprehensive caste based data relating to social, economic, educational, livelihood, and demographic aspects of all sections and categories of the people in better Policy formulation and implementation of the schemes.

Coverage & Schedule

VSWS department-Nadal Department

To be completed in one phase-leaving no household uncovered.


The survey shall commence on 27 November 2023-to complete within a week

•Coverage of the uncovered & missing households/members before 10 Dec 2023


Door to door visits by VSWS Secretariat Staff to collect data

Voluntary disclosure mode

Information to be collected without insisting for documentary evidence

Measures to be taken for data security and data privacy

Mobile App

Data collection through mobile app developed by VSWS department with necessary provisions to

Purify the existing data

Add new households/members which are not covered earlier data base

Handling cases of household door locked/ out of station/people hospitalized

Special care to cover migrated households, nomadic groups, door locked cases etc...

Collect data online or at village/ward Secretariat


Questionnaire developed by Social Welfare Dept. in consultation with the concerned departments

Questionnaire has fields related to:

▸ Demographic: Name, age, sex (3rd gender included)

Economic: Land - Agri. & Residential, Livestock, Professional Activity, Income from all sources

Social: Caste & Sub-Caste, Religion

➤ Officially notified Caste list - including Telugu nomenclature; added in the Mobile app'

Others: Educational Qualifications, Type of housing, access to clean drinking water and Toilets, Access to Cooking Gas

Guidelines to collect data

➤ Volunteers and Secretariat Employees should conduct the survey jointly at the field level.

eKYC of Volunteer and Secretariat Employee is mandatory at the end of each Household survey.

eKYC of the family members is mandatory for the completion of the survey except for children below the age of 8 years.

Mandal, Divisional, and District level officers will be the verification officers.

Download Caste Survey Model Form & Guidelines

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