International News for Today’s School Assembly
Israel expanded its ground operation in Gaza by attacking Hamas tunnels. The death toll of the war neared 10,000.
Israel bombed the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza, killing 100 Palestinians in a shocking massacre.
The US is set to make immigration easier and faster for AI professionals after Joe Biden’s executive order to regulate AI.
Russia blamed the West and Ukraine for inciting the mob to storm Dagestan airport to catch Jews.
Thailand announced visa-free entry for Indian citizens to boost tourism.
Sports News for Today’s Assembly
World Cup 2023: Pakistan beat Bangladesh by 7 wickets and kept its hopes of qualifying for the playoffs alive.
Argentina’s Lionel Messi won the Ballon d’Or award for the eighth time in his career.
India and Sri Lanka will play at the Wankhede stadium in Mumbai on 2 November, the same venue where India beat Sri Lanka in the 2011 World Cup final to win the title.
Saudi Arabia will host the 2034 FIFA World Cup after Australia declined bidding for tournament rights.
Important Days on 1 November
AP Formation Day
World Vegan Day
Haryana Day
Thought of the Day
“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”
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