Online Training on Ministry of Education Government of india Developing eContent for Teaching and Learning of Science

The relationship between science and its practical applications in everyday life is intricatelyintertwined. Science often deals with intricate concepts, processes, and phenomena that can bechallenging to fully grasp through traditional textbooks alone. Textbooks lack the multimediaelements such as simulations, videos, and animations that enable students to better comprehendthese concepts. Interactive simulations and experiments available in eContent allow students toactively engage with scientific subjects. The use of case studies, real-world examples, and videosillustrating scientific principles applied in various industries makes science more relevant andcaptivating. E-content is accessible to students regardless of their location, social status, orphysical limitations, aligning with the goal of providing quality education for all as per the NEP(National Education Policy). It encourages critical thinking, problem-solving skills, andinquiry-based learning by equipping students with the tools to conduct their own experimentsand investigations. Given its ability to enhance engagement, accessibility, and the quality ofscience education, eContent is indispensable for teaching and learning. Continuous improvementthrough efficient planning, design, and refinement, including interactive components to promoteactive learning, is crucial

When developing electronic materials for science education, Free and Open Source Software(FOSS) can be immensely valuable. FOSS tools are often open source, highly customizable, andmultilingual, allowing content creators to tailor them to specific educational needs. Thisadaptability is crucial for creating e-content that suits the unique requirements of scienceeducation, enabling the incorporation of multimedia elements like animations, simulations,videos, and interactive quizzes—all highly effective for teaching scientific concepts. Functional

Requirement Specification (FRS) tools facilitate the development of interactive e-content. FOSSoffers a wide range of tools and resources beneficial for science education. Certain FOSSsoftware and platforms, by providing free, customizable, and accessible resources for teaching,learning, and conducting scientific research, can empower both teachers and students in the field.They promote collaborative and creative approaches to science education, aligning with the principles of open education. Clause 24.4 (d) of the policy places a strong emphasis on the development of digital educational tools for science education, a challenge faced by both students and teachers. Teachers often struggle to cater to diverse needs, including addressing science anxiety and accommodating various learning styles. Traditional teaching methods may struggle to capture students' attention and provide reliable assessments.

In response to these challenges, digital resources emerge as a promising solution, offering numerous benefits that significantly enhance the landscape of science education. Interactive visualizations help clarify complex concepts, offering students a tangible way to grasp abstract ideas. The beauty of digital tools lies in their ability to provide personalized learning experiences, catering to the diverse abilities and paces of learners. Some notable science software like PhET Interactive Simulations, Open Babel, GCompris, ChemCollective. Stellarium, Avogadro, and others that integrate Physics, Chemistry, and Biology offer benefits such as visualization, interactive learning, concept reinforcement, problem-solving, interdisciplinary integration, and digital assessments. They promote critical thinking and experimentation, enhancing students' understanding of science concepts.

In this context, CIET-NCERT organizes an online training series on 'Developing of eContent", every fourth week of the month from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm from Monday to Friday to orient the stakeholders on development of various eContent. As a part of a series for the month of September, CIET-NCERT is organizing five hours of online training on "Developing eContent for Teaching and Learning of Science" starting from 25th September, 2023 till 29th September, 2023 from 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm. The sessions will shed light on What? Why? How? to develop eContent for teaching and learning of science. The online training will be live telecast on NCERT official YouTube channel- and also be simulcast through PM eVidya DTH TV channels numbered #6-12 and Jio TV mobile app

A post session quiz will be conducted and the participants scoring 70% and above will be certified (Certificate will be issued within one month of the training).


After completion of the training the learner will be able to:

understand the significance of eContent for teaching and learning in Science edi

 describe and explore the concepts of free and open source software;

describe and explore the concepts of eContent for teaching and learning of physics;

describe and explore the concepts of eContent for teaching and learning of

Online Training on "Developing eContent for Teaching and Learning of Science" - Quiz Attempt this quiz on "Developing eContent for Teaching and Learning of Science". 

Note: Only one attempt per participant is permitted. Enter all the details correctly as the same will be added in the certificate. Score 70% and above to receive a certificate.

Make sure to enter the correct Email ID. The certificates will be sent to the registered Email IDs only. Corrections will not be made if any detail is entered incorrectly.

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