Issue of Caste, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificates to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes- Working Guidelines GO:469

Revenue Department -Issue of Caste, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificates to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes- Working Guidelines - Further Instructions - Orders- Issued. -X-X Revenue (SER.II) Department

G.O.Ms. No:469 Dated:29.09.20 Read the follow

1.Act 16 of 1993 the Andhra Pradesh (Scheduled Castes, Schedi Tribes and Backward Classes) Regulation of Issue of Commu

Certificates Act, 1993 2. G.O.Ms.No. 58, Social Welfare (1) Dept, 12th May, 1997, the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes issue of community, nativity and date of birth certificat rules, 1997.

3. Circular memo no.10956/CV.1/97-2, Dt.16.02.1998, Social Welfare(CV.1) Dept.,

4. Commissioner, Grama Sachivalam and Ward Sachivalam Department Note Dt Nil.

5. From E-Office file computer no. 2172249 of the CCLA, A.P., Mangalagiri, Guntur.


In exercise of powers conferred by Andhra Pradesh (Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes) Regulation of issue of Community Certificates Act, 1993 (Act 16 of 1993); in the G.0.2nd read above, Government have formulated the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes, issue of Community, Nativity & Date of Birth Certificates Rules, 1997 with effect from 16.05.1997.

In the said Rules, Rule (16) and Rule (17) are read as follows:

Rule-16. Validity of Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate:

"The Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate, issued by the Competent Authority in accordance with these provisions, shall be a permanent one".

Rule-17. Procedure for issuing of duplicate Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate:

"When the holder of the Community Certificate loses the certificate, he/she shall immediately report this to the Competent Authority. He/She shall submit an application to the Competent Authority, furnishing the particulars of the original Community Certificate held by him/her. On receipt of such application, the Competent Authority shall verify his records and issue duplicate Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificates within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of the application by him/her. An affidavit on Rs.10/- stamp paper stating the circumstances in which he/she lost the original certificate must be filed along with the application for the issue of the duplicate certificate".

2. And whereas, in the reference 5th read above, the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, Andhra Pradesh has reported that various state government line departments are insisting on submission of latest Caste Certificates for extending various Government schemes/ benefits. As a result, public at large are facing severe hardship in repeatedly obtaining caste certificates.

3. The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, Andhra Pradesh has also reported that as per Rule 16 of G.O.Ms.No. 58, Dt.12.05.1997 of Social Welfare (3) Department, all caste certificates issued by the Competent Authorities are permanent in nature. That however, several State Government departments and institutions are asking for the most recent caste/community certificate, duly ignoring the caste/community certificate issued on a previous date by the Competent Authority. As a result, the permanent nature of such a caste/community certificate, which in conferred by Law is not being taken into accout. Such demands are against the spirit of Act 16 of 1993 as well as G.O.Ms.No.58, Social Welfare (3) Department, 12th May, 1997. This insistence on production of fresh certificates imposes a huge burden on the common citizen.

4. The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, Andhra Pradesh has also reported that as per the Rule 17 of the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes - issue of Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificates Rules, 1997, provides for reissue of caste certificates previously issued, based on existing record and proposed to utilize the improvement in technology and available database of caste/community certificates to address the issue of repeated demand for caste certificates by Departments.

5. The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, Andhra Pradesh, has finally requested the Government to issue instructions in order to improve the ease of living of citizens and in view of existing position of law that, a caste/community certificate is of a permanent nature.

6. Whereas, Government after careful examination of the matter, hereby issue the following Instructions on Issuing of Caste, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificates to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes, in order to improve the ease of living of citizens, and in view of existing position of Law that a caste/community certificate is of a permanent nature:

a) State Government Departments shall henceforth NOT to ask for a fresh caste/community certificate, for any purpose whatsoever, if the applicant/beneficiary/candidate produces a caste /community certificate that was previously issued by the competent authority.

b) For those citizens who apply for a caste/community certificate, and who were issued a caste/community certificate through the MeeSeva/AP Seva system, every fresh request for a caste certificate shall be an A-Category Service and certificate will be issued across the counter then and there itself, dispensing the requirement for an enquiry by the Tahsildar/certificate issuing authority.

c) Where the father/siblings of the applicant were already issued caste certificates (Relationship will be established by verification of the Civil Supplies Database), the following procedure is to be adopted.

If eKYC was completed for the applicant and the father/siblings, certificate will be issued across the counter, dispensing with enquiry by the Tahsildar. If eKYC is not completed, the same will be first completed in Gram/Ward Sachiwalayam and the caste certificate will be Issued thereafter, across the counter.

d) Any caste/community certificate, OBC certificate (non creamy layer), EWS Certificate, other certificate not covered by these instructions may be issued by the Competent Authority upon request of the citizens for purposes such as Gol Jobs, Schemes of Gol etc, in the requested proformae, as per existing practice.

e) The School Education, Higher Education, Skill Development, Technical Education, Medical Education, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, all Welfare Departments and other Government Departments shall issue follow up instructions on this matter, in accoradance with this Government order, to all their Heads of Departments/ Institutions / Organizations/Education Institutions as defined in Act 16 of 1993, working under them.

10. The Departments of the School Education, Higher Education, Skill Development, Technical Education, Medical Education, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, GSWS, all Welfare Departments and other Government Departments in the State and the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, Andhra Pradesh, Collectors of districts, all certificate issuing authorities shall take necessary action accordingly in the matter.


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