CSE letter to DTA for Mapping and position IDs sanction to 679 MEO 2 posts,13 MEO 1 posts and 74 Dy EO posts

 CSE letter to DTA for Mapping and position IDs sanction to 679 MEO 2 posts,13 MEO 1 posts and 74 Dy EO posts

School Education - Restructuring of the existing (53) Educational Divisions into (74) Educational Divisions in the restructured districts by re- appropriating the existing Deputy Educational Officer (Dy.E.O) posts in district offices to ensure @ one Deputy Educational Officer post to each of all the 74 Revenue Divisions and Creation of 679 MEO-II Posts Orders issued by the Govt., - Creation of Position IDs and DDO Codes to the Newly created posts Request Regarding

Ref:-1. G.O.Ms.No.56, School Education (Services-1) Department, dated 20-06- 2023. 

2. G.O. Ms. No:154 School education (Ser.) Dept, Dated: 16.9.2022.

3. This office Proc. Rc.No. ESE02-11024/13/2023-EST 1-CSE, Dt:07/08/2023.

4. Lr.Rc.No.32022/6/2023-(ACCOUNTS) EST3-CSE, Dt:25/07/2023. 

5. Lr.Rc.No.FIN02-18069/154/2023-H SEC - DTA, Dated 08.08.2023 of the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, AP, Amarvati.


I submit that, in the reference 1st cited, Government have issued orders to restructure the existing (53) Educational Divisions into (74) Educational Divisions in the restructured districts by re-appropriating the existing Deputy Educational Officer (Dy.E.O) posts in district offices to ensure @ one Deputy Educational Officer post to each of all the 74 Revenue Divisions, to strengthen the divisional supervisory structure of School Education Department in the districts, as carved out in the following manner, and changing the nomenclature of the Deputy Educational Officer (Zilla Parishad) as Deputy Educational Officer in Education Department duly obtaining the concurrence of the finance Department, the details are as follows:

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