21-08-2023 Today News
> National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the European Space Agency (ESA) have been supporting Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to monitor the spacecraft’s health.
> Supreme Court judgment delivered four decades ago counters President’s rule in J&K
> Payment crisis further delays defence deals with Russia, around $3 billion held up
> Website, social media handles blocked in India, says Srinagar-based news portal The Kashmir Walla
> Onions to be made available at ₹ 25 as buffer stock burgeons
> Appointment of Manipur High Court Chief Justice delayed
> Russia’s Luna-25 spacecraft crashes into the Moon
> HAML floats tenders to prepare project reports for 12 metro corridors of 278 km
> New MCH facility for maternal and infant healthcare inaugurated
> ‘Native Speakers’ to keep Koya language alive among soon-to-be displaced tribal children in Chintoor agency of Andhra Pradesh
> Ensure third-party safety audits in industries prone to accidents, A.P. Chief Secretary tells officials
> Highest number of NEET UG applicants from Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu: NTA
> AIAPGET 2023: Candidates who appeared for the exam can check the results at the official website— aiapget.nta.nic.in or nta.ac.in.
> IIT Kanpur to organise Udghosh National Open School Quiz
Spain wins its first Women's World Cup title, beating England 1-0 in the final
Proverb/ Motivation
Time And health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.
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Today GK
Q: What does Critically endangered species mean?
A. Extremely high risk of extinction in the wild
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