Conducting Test for Additional awards for English medium teachers on Teachers' Day

School Education - Conducting Test for Additional awards for English medium teachers on Teachers' Day in Andhra Pradesh-instructions issued - Reg.

Read: Govt.Memo No.2182429/Genl /A1/2023 Dated: 20.08.2023


The District Educational Officers in the State are informed that in the reference 1st cited above an additional category of awards proposed from this year Teacher's Day i.e 2023.The New Additional Category is 'Teachers showing Pedagogical Competencies in English medium.

In this context For making the selection objective, Government of Andhra Pradesh has partnered with Centre for Teacher Accreditation Private Limited. The Selection of teachers for the awards in an objective manner, based on its widely accepted Teaching Quotient test, though without direct proctoring.

Therefore, all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to give vide publicity and issue necessary instructions to all the HMs/MEOs/Dy.Eos of all managements in their jurisdiction in this regard. All teachers from all management handling their classes in English medium can apply for this test

Instructions to apply test and other details annexed herewith.

Encl: As above.

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