LEVEL-1 (Classes 1&2) | SUNRISE (సూర్యోదయం)
Part of speech: Noun/Adjective
Antonym: Sunset Usage: Sunrise occurs in the east.
LEVEL-2 (Classes 3,4&5) LOYAL (విశ్వాసముగల)
Part of speech: Adjective
Synonym:Faithful/Passionate Antonym: Disloyal/unfaithful Usage:Ministers are loyal to the King.
LEVEL-3(Classes 6,7&8) CONVENIENT (అనుకూలమైన)
/kǝn'vi:.ni.ǝnt/ Antonym: Inconvenient
Part of speech: Adjective Synonym: Accessible
Usage:Please be seated at your convenient place.
LEVEL-4(Classes 9&10)
URGE(కోరుట/పురిగొల్పుట) /3:d3/ Part of speech: Noun/Verb
Antonyms: Disgust/Discourage
Synonyms: Strong desire/Encourage Usage: The government urged the rescue team to save the flood victims
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