AP Samagra Shiksha - OSC wing Conduct of Enrollment drive for : Identification of the Out of School Children through Consistent Rhythmes App with the support of Gram/ward Sachivalayam in the State from 17-07-2023 to 07-08-2023 - Instructions Issued - Reg.
1. Dropbox children data issued by the IT cell, 0/0 Commissioner of School Education, A.P., Amaravat.
2. OOSC identified by the Child Labour Department, A.P., Amaravati in special drive.
The attention of all the District Educational Officers & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are invited to the references cited and are informed that the IT cell, O/o Commissioner of School Education, A.P... Amaravati furnished 210917 Dropbox children data and the Child Labour Department, A.P., Amaravati submitted 814 OoSC identified data in special drive as follows:
Therefore it is decided to conduct special drive for mainstreaming of the above OOSC children and identification of the Out of School Children is scheduled from 17-07-2023 to 07-08-2023.
Objectives of the enrollment drive
1. To ensure 100% enrollment of all eligible children in schools
2. To ensure that no child in the age group of 6-14 years is left out of Schools
3. To bring back all dropout children to school
Roles and responsibilities of the authorities are fixed as follows:
Ward Volunteer and Education Assistants
To visit each and every House of the Children who are found out of School Children(OoSC) through C R app.
To motivate the parents and children and get them enrolled in the schools
The ward volunteer and education assistant is to support the enumerators in their Jurisdiction and ensure the quality of Survey
To conduct and complete the survey as per schedule prescribed. All schools/ villages should be covered within the timeline.
Submission of day-wise reports to the Education Welfare Assistant
Identify all OoSC and never enrolled in their allotted areas.
To enroll all the identified children in Schools.
The targeted age group 6-14 & 15-19 years.
Cluster Resource Person
To guide Ward Volunteers and Education Assistant for 100% enrollment of out of School Children in the nearby Schools.
Role of the Head Masters
To guide, Supervise and ensure quality survey. Cross verification of the data.
To create child IDs immediately after completion of admission of Schools.
Submission of day wise progress to the concerned MEOS.
Role of Mandal Educational Officers
To guide. Supervise and ensure quality survey. a Cross verification of the data.
To monitor the Progress on daily basis.
Consolidation and submission of habitation wise daily enrollment of out of School Children in the nearby Schools reports to the District
Role of Alternative Schooling Coordinators (ALSCOs) officers
To visit 2 to 3 mandals per day.
Cross checking randomly and ensure quality of survey.
Time to time guidance to the MEOs and CRPS.
To conduct of reviews twice in a week with the MEOS/CRPs on progress of the Survey.
Cross verification of data at the field level.
To Monitor the all the Identified, Enrolled and Mainstreamed Children should be enter in Prabhand portal. ALSCO is the responsible person for Identification, Enroll and Mainstream of all the Children in Districts.
Role of District Educational Officers & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators and the Additional Project Coordinator
A district level convergence meeting has to be convened by the Additional Project Coordinator and to highlight the need and necessity for conducting the proposed survey in the district
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