Appointment of 12th Pay Revision Commission - Orders GO.68

Appointment of 12th Pay Revision Commission - Orders - Issued.

G.O.Ms.No. 68 Dated: 12-07-2023


From the Finance (PC.I) Department e-file bearing No. FIN01- HROPCTA/33/2023-PC-TA, dated: 30.06.2023.


The Pay Scales of the State Government employees were revised with effect from 01.07.2018 with monetary benefit from 01.04.2020.

2. In the reference 1st read above, the Finance Department have submitted proposals for constitution of 12th Pay Revision Commission for the State Government employees. Government after careful consideration, has decided to constitute the 12th Pay Revision Commission for the State Government employees. 3. Accordingly, Government hereby constitute the 12th Pay Revision Commission and hereby appoint Dr. Manmohan Singh, IAS (1985) (Retired) as Pay Revision Commissioner. The terms and conditions of appointment of Pay Revision Commissioner will be issued separately. 4. The terms of reference of the Commission shall be as follows:

1. To evolve the principles which may govern the structure of emoluments and the conditions of service of various categories of employees of the State Government, Local Bodies and Aided Institutions, Non-teaching staff of the Universities Including Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Work charged employees and full-time contingent employees, which have a financial bearing, taking into account the total packet of benefits available to them and suggest changes therein which may be desirable and feasible;

(a) The Commission however shall, not deal with the teaching staff in Government Colleges and Government Aided Private Colleges drawing UGC/AICTE and ICAR scales. The Commission shall also not deal with the officers of A.P. State Higher Judicial Service and A.P. State Judicial Service who are drawing Pay Scales as recommended by the Second National Judicial Pay Commission.

II. To examine as to what extent the existing DA may be merged in pay and, to evolve consequent new set of pay scales merging DA therein and to suggest the mode of fixation of pay in the Revised Pay

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