Supply of IFPS and Smart TVs to schools covered in Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase-1 Guidelines on preparedness for installation

School Education Digital Infrastructure to Classrooms Supply of IFPS and Smart TVs to schools covered in Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase-1 Guidelines on preparedness for installation - Issued.


1. G.O.Ms.No. 195 SE(Prog.ll) Dept. dt. 28.12.2022

2. Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th May 2023 convened by the Commissioner, School Infrastructure.


The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state is invited to the reference 1st above wherein the government has accorded administrative approval for providing 10,038 Smart TVs for classes I to V and 30.213 Interactive Flat Panels (IFPs) for classes VI to X to 15,694 schools covered under Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase I for the academic year 2023-24.

2) The procurement is under progress and the devices will be supplied to all schools before 10th june 2023. Therefore, preparedness for the installation such as ensuring functional electricity, power points. earthing to the building etc., is to be ensured for the seamless installation within timelines.

3) In this regard the following guidelines are issued.

To identify the classrooms from classes 6 to 10 which are used for teaching including all sections for installation of IFPS

a. To ensure functional electricity to all such classrooms with the earthing facility. 

b. To identify the place of installation on the wall duly considering the replacement of existing green boards in such classrooms by two smaller green boards. 

c. Wall mount brackets will be supplied by the vendors well in advance to avoid last minute rush in the installation process. d. The Headmasters shall be available in schools on the day of installation to ensure that the installation is completed properly.

e. To identify the Smart TV room for installation of Smart TV for classes from class 1 to 5.

f. To ensure that there is functional electricity in such rooms along with provisions of power sockets etc..

g. To ensure the provision for keeping the Android box near the device.

h. The LAN cable can be laid from router to the device.

1. Once the equipment is installed, the necessary precautions may be ensured for safeguarding the equipment. j. Any expenditure on facilitating the Power/earthing / Net cable / stands etc.. shall be booked under Nadu-Nedu.

4) Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are here by directed to disseminate the above information to all the Headmasters to ensure the seamless installation of IFPs and Smart TVs in all schools covered in Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase I.

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IFPS Selected Schools List

Smart TV Selected Schools List


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