Preparation of Annual Work Plan & Budget 2023-24

AP Samagra Shiksha- Planning Wing Preparation of Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWP & B) 2023-24 for Samagra Shiksha at State, District and School level-Orders Issued-Reg

Rc.5/A6/MIS & PLG/AWP & B/2023-24. Dated: 03/01/2023

Ref. 1. Letter R.C. No. 19021/4/2022-PLNO-SSA, Dated: 30/12/2022 of the State Project Director, APSS, Andhra Pradesh

2. Re.No SS-19021/4/2022-PLNG-SSA, Dated: 30/11/2022 of the State Project Director, APSS, Andhra Pradesh.

In pursuance of the instructions issued in the references cited, the State Project Director,APSS, Amaravathi, Andhra Pradesh informed to all the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State through the proceedings cited in the second reference the Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, New Delhi has communicated Project Approval Board(PAB)meeting schedule and thrust areas for Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWP&B)for the year 2023-24of Samagra Shiksha. 

It is informed that, to formulate Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWP& B) for the year 2023-24 and a 2 year perspective plan keeping in mind thrust areas of AWP & B proposals. The AWP & B proposals are to be submitted online on the PRABANDH portal at least 15 days prior to the scheduled dates.

In this connection, the detailed Schedule long with the guidelines for preparation and submission of AWP & B 2023-24 of APSS is herewith communicated with a request to take up the activities of AWP&B 2023-24 at District, Mandal, Cluster & School Level.

All the District Educational Officers & District Project Coordinators and the Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are hereby requested to follow the below mentioned instructions

  1. To conduct orientation training programme and necessary meetings as per the schedule at District, Mandal, Cluster, Habitation and School Level.
  2. To issue instructions to all Principals of DIETS, IASES/CTES to involve in the plan preparation activities. 
  3. To issue suitable instructions to the concerned Mandal Educational Officers (MEOs)/Head Masters (HMs) /Cluster Resource Persons (CRPs)of their respective districts regarding preparation of mandal, habitation/cluster and school/Junior college plans. 
  4. To obtain activity evidences i.e., plan activity photos, plan copies etc along with soft copies of all cluster plans, school plans for further action. 
  5. To prepare the District Plans of AWP & B 2023-24 of Samagra Shiksha and submit all the plans with relevant data to the State Project Office as per the schedule duly following the instructions issued from this Office time-to-time.

The State Project Director, APSS, Amaravathi, Andhra Pradesh instructed to follow the guidelines issued by Government from time to time to curtail the spread of the COVI-19 pandemic strictly during the orientation meetings etc. The schedule as follows.

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