Learn a Word a Day Date 27.01.23
Level: 1
Classes: 1.2
Lorry (ers)
Meaning: a large, heavy motor vehicle for transporting goods or troops.
Phonetic Script: / 'lori /
Other forms:
Lorries (Plural Noun)
1. Pushpa has come in a lorry. 2. A lorry shed is constructed near his house.
3. A lorry is following our car.
4. There is a lorry on the road.
5. A lorry goes in front of our bus.
Level: 2
Classes: 3.4.5
Date: 27.01.2023
Transport (6)
to take goods or people from one place to another
Phonetic Script: / 'transpÉ”:(r)t/
Other forms:
Transport, transportation,
Transporter (Noun)
Transport - Transported-Transported-Transporting (Verb)
1. The goods were transported in a ship.
2. A bus transported the passengers from airport to the bus stop.
3. The car is the most popular means of transport. 4. Petroleum is transported in large ship from Saudi to India.
5. What is the cheapest means of transport?
Level: 3
Classes: 6.7.8
Date: 27.01.2023
Tourist (à°¯ాà°¤్à°°ిà°•ుà°¡ు / పర్à°¯ాà°Ÿà°•ుà°¡ు)
Spelling: TOURIST
Meaning: a person who is travelling or visiting a place for pleasure.
Phonetic Script: /'tuarist/
Other forms: Tourist (Singular-Noun) Tourists (Plural Noun); Tourism (Noun)
Tour-Toured -Toured
- Touring (Verb)
1. Hampi is a tourist place.
2. He works as tourist guide in Lepakshi. 3. There are many tourist places in India.
4. The tourist needed some information,
5. Tourists are not permitted to visit this place after 6pm.
Level : 4
Classes:9, 10
Date: 27.01.2023
Spaceship (à°…ంతరిà°•్à°· à°¨ౌà°•)
it is a spacecraft that carries people through space
Phonetic Script:/'spers Jip /
Other forms:
Spaceship( Singular Noun) Spaceships (plural Noun)
1. The crowd watched the spaceship go into the space. 2. Kalpana Chawla went into the space in a spaceship.
3. The spaceship is out of the orbit around the moon.
4. The spaceship will get to the moon soon. 5. It is a thrilling experience to travel in a spaceship to the moon.
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