Village Ward Secretariats Financial support to each Village / Ward Secretariat Functionary @ Rs. 200/- per month till March 2023 to subscribe one of the widely circulated Telugu daily News Paper which covers all latest news Rc.GW502

GVWV&VSWS Department Village Ward Secretariats Financial support to each Village / Ward Secretariat Functionary @ Rs. 200/- per month till March 2023 to subscribe one of the widely circulated Telugu daily News Paper which covers all latest news of Government Welfare Schemes & Developmental Programmes -Certain instructions issued - Regarding


1. G.O Rt No. 25, GVWV&VSWS Department, Dated 08.12.2022

2. G.O Rt No. 4167, Finance (FMU-PR&RD) Department, Dated 29.11.2022

3. G.O Rt No. 4169, Finance (FMU-EFS&T, MA&UD, CRDA) Department, Dated 30.11.2022

4. G.O Rt No. 26, GVWV&VSWS Department, Dated 08.12.2022

It is to inform that the Village Ward Secretariat Employees Association has requested the Government to provide a regional News Paper to the GSWS functionaries in order to spread the Welfare Schemes and developmental programmes more widely.

2. In the reference 1st cited above. Government accorded permission to provide financial support to each Village /Ward Secretariat Functionary @Rs. 200/- per month till March 2023 to subscribe one of the widely circulated Telugu News Paper and directed to issue instructions to the Drawing & Disbursement Officers for payment of additional financial support Rs. 200/- per month towards News Paper subscription charges to each Functionary. 3. In the reference 2nd cited above, the Finance Department has issued Budget Release Order for an amount of Rs. 7,89,41,000/- (Seven Crore Eighty-Nine Lakhs Forty-One Thousand Rupees only) as additional funds in relaxation of Treasury Control and quarterly regulation Orders pending provision of funds by obtaining supplementary Grants as an appropriate time during the current financial year 2022-2023 to subscribeone of the widely circulated Telugu News Paper for Village Secretariat Functionaries.

4. In the reference 3rd cited above, the Finance Department has issued Budget Release Order for an amount of Rs. 2,55,47,000/- (Two Crore Fifty-Five Lakhs Forty-Seven Thousand Rupees only) as additional funds in relaxation of Treasury Control and quarterly regulation Orders pending provision of funds by obtaining supplementary Grants as an appropriate time during the current financial year 2022-2023 to subscribe one of the widely circulated Telugu News Paper for Ward Secretariat Functionaries.

5. In the reference 4th cited above, Government accorded Administrative Sanction Orders to the Director, GVWV&VSWS Department for an amount of Rs. 7,89,41,000/- (Seven Crore Eighty-Nine Lakhs Forty- One Thousand Rupees only) to subscribe one of the widely circulated Telugu News Paper to Village Secretariat Functionaries.

6. The MASUD Department will issue Administrative Sanction Orders for Rs. 2,55,47,000/- (Two Crore Fifty-Five Lakhs Forty-Seven Thousand Rupees only) separately to the Ward Secretariat Functionaries to subscribe one of the widely circulated Telugu News Paper.

7. Hence all the Drawing & Disbursement Officers of Village /Ward Secretariat Functionaries are directed to pay an additional financial support of Rs. 200/- per month towards widely circulated Telugu daily News Paper subscription charges to each Village /Ward Secretariat Functionaries duly taking subscription voucher from them in addition to their salaries.

8. The Municipal Commissioners / MPDOS are requested to issue necessary instructions to all the Drawing & Disbursement Officers to pay an additional financial support of Rs. 200/- per month towards News Paper subscription charges to the Functionaries.

9. The District Treasury Officers are requested to issue necessary instructions to the concerned Sub-Treasury Officers with a direction to authorise the bills claimed by the Drawing & Disbursement Officers of Village /Ward Secretariat Functionaries.

10. The District Collectors are requested to ensure smooth payment of additional financial support of Rs. 200/- per month to the Village /Ward Secretariat Functionaries towards subscription of widely circulated daily Telugu News Paper.

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