SIEMAT-SAMAGRA SHIKSHA AP- National School Band Competitions among schools in all States as part of republic day program in connection with Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav Competitions & Guidelines communicated-Reg.
1. D.O.No.F.1-2/2022.Sch.3, dt 24th Nov, 2022, from Additional Secretary. DOSE&L, New Delhi.
2.This Office Memo No.55-15022/4/2022-SAMO-SSA, dt.17/11/2022.
Attention is invited to the ref.1st cited, all the District Educational Officers &Ex-Officio Project-Coordinators and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are hereby informed that. Additional Secretary. DoSE&L MoE, New Delhi has issued guidelines for Inter School National Band Competition 2022-23, to rejuvenate and rekindle the spirit of Patriotism and unity in school children across the country.
Further Additional Secretary, DaSE &L. MOE, New Delhi has informed that, a School Band evokes a feeling of Oneness, belonging and a deep sense of Pride in school children. The rhythm of a Band instills passion, action, courage and motivation in young and old alike.
The Band Competition scheduled from 02.12.2022 to 22.12.2022 and the State has to conduct the Band Competition( Brass Band & Pipe Band separately) for both boys and Girls i.e., two teams from Brass Band and Two Teams from Pipe Band. The winners details Brass Band Girls Team and Bras Band Boys Team & Pipe Band Girls Team and Pipe Band Boys Team)will be sent to the MoE, New Delhi in the form of Videos as directed by the DOSE&L, New Delhi before 22.12.2022. In this connection the application forms hereby communicated to all District Educational Officers &Ex-Officio Project-Coordinators and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State to disseminate to all the Schools for inviting to the events.
In this regard it is informed that the Inter school Band Competition is to be organized at three levels Le, State, National ( semi-final)and National (final). The competitions will be opened for all categories of schools and Boys and Girls can take part in the competition as separate teams.
In this connection the department will conduct the Inter School Band Competitions within the state and will send the best entries in Video-recorded form to the National Level Competition. The finalists will be sent to New Delhi to perform at the National War Memorial during the Republic Day celebrations 2023. The CBSE /KVS/NVS will conduct their own competitions in a similar pattern. The detailed guidelines of the National School Band Competition are herewith enclosed for necessary action..
Therefore, all the District Educational Officers &Ex-Officio Project- Coordinators and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are requested to disseminate the information to all the Schools with coordination of the district school game federations nodal officers so as to identify the teams to participate in the State Level Competitions before sustain the spirit of patriotism and unity.
Further they are requested to submit the entries and submit entries in prescribed proforma to this office to the email ID:
State level competitions are scheduled to be conducted on 15-12-22 at Govt High School Rajampet, Annamaiah Dist. For any other information the SGF Secretary Sri, Bhanumurthy Raju may be contacted at Ph. No. 7013001792.
School Band Competition Application
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