Independent verification agency in 444 sample schools identified for SALT Programme Memo: 15

School Education. AP World Bank supported SALT project Verification of disbursement linked indicators with insight development of consulting group (P) Ltd (IDCG) an independent verification agency in 444 sample schools identified - concerned districts to coordinate with the team Instructions-issued

Memo.No.SS-15/10/2022-SAMO-SSA. Dt:-


The attention of the Regional Joint Directors of School Education. District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the state are invited to the reference cited and it is informed that the Government of Andhra Pradesh considers school as the divine place.where foundations of learning are laid and responsible citizens are made.

The Government wants to further promote the schools as a true learning centers and dentres to improve the learning outcomes and decrease the dropout rates in Government schools by taking up various academic and infrastructural improvements in schools 

It is further informed that. Department of School Education with World Bank assistance is implementing the SALT operation with the objective of implementing localized, state context-aligned activities and innovations for improving the quality of education in Government schools

The program also emphasizes fundamental learning, teacher professional development, assessment system strengthening remedial education, and school leadership development. It provides a strong emphasis on assisting the students from marginalized communities, with a special focus on Children with Special Needs (CSN). Scheduled Tribe (ST) students, and girls. Insight Development Consulting Group (IDCG) - the independent verification agency (IVA)-under SALT project will do on-field verification of the followingDUIs in round 2. The details and verification process against each DLis is mentioned below

1. Disbursement Linked Indicator 2 Improved teaching practices measured according to a standardized tool) The indicator will be verified with a standardized tool-TEACH A sample of 444 schools will be drawn out of the 45614-universe list of schools shared by DOSE. The simple of schools will be drawn randomly based on following criteria: Rural and Urban

a Type (Primary. Upper Primary and High) The observation will be conducted in randomly selected one classroom per school in the selected sample schools. 2. Disbursement Linked Indicator 3 (Improved school management as measured by a standardized tool): The indicator will be verified with a standardized tool-Social Audit Tool. The verilication will be done in the sampled school proposed in DLI 2 The verification will be done based on the following categorization: o School Observation Students:

a. Boys Triad or group discussion (max. 3-4 students) from highest two grades as per school category b. Girls Triad or group discussion (max. 3-4 members) from highest two grades as per school category Members from Parent Committee: Triad or group discussion (max 3-4 members) HM/Principal - 1 Interview

Teachers (Science Teachers, PET/Vocational Trainer, School In-charge (MDM, Events, Discipline) and Warden in case of Residential school Triad of group discussion (3-4 teachers)

3. Disbursement Linked Indicator 6 (improved coverage under need based in service training): The indicator will be verified in the sampled school as proposed in DLI 2. The respondent will be the teacher who attended School complex level planning. A set of questions will be asked to the selected teachers to verify the training attended. 4. Disbursement Linked Indicator 7 Increased use of diagnostic assessment tools for provision of remedial support): The indicator will be verified in the sampled school as proposed in DLI 2. The respondent will be the HM/Teachers and Students. A set of questions will be asked to the the HM/Teachers and Students to verify the Formative Assessment/Classroom Based Assessment (CBA) happened. The verification for this indicator is only applicable for 18h School HM/Teachers

In this regard for the purpose of verification. for 2 representatives from IDCG (IVA) will be visiting the selected sample schools 444 during the period of 17 December, 2022 to 10th January 2023 in all 26 Districts between 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and also requested that the concerned schools may be kept open in all working days to facilitate the verification process and Interaction with Head Masters, teachers, parents committee members and students.

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Director. District Education Officers and Additional Project coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the state are directed to issue instructions to all Mandal level and School Level officials of concerned Districts to coordinate with the team during their visits to the identified schools and provide necessary support.

The Tentative schedule of visit is enclosed herewith for information and the team will further contact, the concerned officers at the District/Mandal/School level.


1. Tentative Schedule of Visit and IVA team members 

2. List of Schools.

District wise Schools List 

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