INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION Attendance by Photography (Facial Recognition Based Attendance System) Implementation of Attendance by Photography (FRBAS) to all the employees working in the 0/0 RJDIE, 0/0 DVEO and GJC/AJCS w.e.f. 01.01.2023 - Certain instructions Issued.
Rc.No.OP-1/1876919/2022 Dated 28.12.2022
Ref:-1] G.O.Ms.No.159 Gen.Admn (PU-B) Department dated 26.12.2022 2]Circular Memo.No.GAD01-PUOGAD/27/2022-PU-B, Administration (PU-B) Dept., Dt.27.12.2022General
Copy of the G.O.Ms.No.159, General Administration (PU-B) Department, dated: 26.12.2022 and the Government Memo, dated: 27.12.2022 are herewith communicated to all the RJDIES, DVEOS and Principals of Government and Aided Junior Colleges in the State and instructed to take further action accordingly on capturing of Facial Recognition based Attendance of the staff working under their jurisdiction.
Further, the RJDIES and DVEOS are instructed to monitor the capturing of Facial Recognition Based Attendance of the staff working in their jurisdiction strictly as per the guidelines issued by the Government.
Any deviations in this regard will be viewed seriously.
The receipt of these proceedings shall be acknowledged.
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