Preparation of Electoral Rolls of certain Teachers' and Graduate Constituencies of Legislative Councils w.r.t. 1 November, 2022 as the qualifying date-Ban on Transfers/Postings.

Preparation of Electoral Rolls of certain Teachers' and Graduate Constituencies of Legislative Councils w.r.t. 1 November, 2022 as the qualifying date-Ban on Transfers/Postings.


The electoral rolls for Graduates' and Teachers' Constituencies of States having Legislative Council are prepared de-novo before every election. At present, the Commission is conducting de-novo preparation of electoral rolls of certain Teachers and Graduates Constituencies of Legislative Councils in your State with reference to 1st November, 2022 as the qualifying date (A copy of the Commission's letter No. 37/LC/2022, dated 14th July, 2022 is enclosed) 2. It is requested that the following may be ensured for smooth and meaningful conduct of de-novo preparation of electoral roll for council constituencies in your State: 2.1 Ban on Transfers during the revision period: The Section 13CC of the Representation of the People Act, 1950 provides that any officer or staff employed in connection with the preparation, revision and correction of the electoral rolls shail be deemed to be on deputation to the Election Commission for the period during which they are so employed and such officer and staff shall, during that period, be subject to the control, superintendence and discipline of the Election Commission.

2.2 Transfer of officials engaged in the process of preparation of electoral rolls adversely affects the work and quality of electoral roll. The entire process of preparation of electoral roll has to be done in a prefixed time schedule. This gigantic work involves meticulous planning, professional management, close supervision as well as monitoring and discussion with stake holders including political parties. So, during the period of preparation of electoral roll the transfer of any officer engaged in this exercise should be avoided. The Commission reiterates its existing direction that no officials connected with the exercise of preparation of electoral rolls like the Electoral Registration Officers Assistant Electoral Registration Officers Designated Officers and the Assistant

Designated Officers etc, etc. should be transferred from their places of posting without the prior concurrence of the Election Commission, right from the commencement of the work fill its completion. In case it becomes absolutely necessary to transfer any of the key election officers connected with the preparation of rolls, the Election Commission would consider the same on merits, on a case to case basis. Any proposal for unavoidable transfer may be sent to the Commission giving detailed and full justification for the proposed transfer. However, all transfers arising out of regular promotions of probationers (AIS as well as SCS) have been kept out of the purview of this ban. The case of transfer of the Booth Level Officers (BLOS) whose services are being utilised by the cloctoral machinery related to revision of council constituencies) can be decided by the Chief Electoral Officer on behalf of the Commission.

3. Full cooperation of the State Government, as has been extended in the past is solicited for the current round of de-novo preparation of electoral roll for council constituencies.

Kindly acknowledge receipt of this letter, immediately.

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