NDD- Recommendations on conduct of Mop-up Day on 24.09.2022 Certain instructions-issued Rc.20021

School Education - RBSK- NHM-AP -NDD- Recommendations on conduct of Mop-up Day on 24.09.2022 Certain instructions-issued. Reg. 

Ref:- 1. Rc.No.315/RBSK/NHM/2022, Dated: 11/08/2022 from CMHFW, AP.Mangalagiri, Guntur.

2. This office Proc. Rc.No. ESE02-20021/7/2021 -MDCL-CSE, Dated: 19.08.2022.

3. Rc.No.315/RBSK/NHM/2022, Dated: 09/09/2022 from CMHFW, AP, Mangalagiri, Guntur. 

4. Minutes of the convergence meeting with the line Departments held on 17.8.2022 conducted by the Commissioner of Health & Family Welfare AP, Mangalagiri, Guntur.

5. This office Proc. Rc.No. ESE02-20021/7/2021-MDCL-CSE, Dated:14.09.2022. 

6. Rc.No.315/RBSK/NHM/2022, Dated: 16/09/2022 from The Mission Director, NHM, 5th Floor, APIIC Building, Mangalagiri, Guntur District.

7. This office Proc. Rc.No. ESE02-20021/7/2021 -MDCL-CSE, Dated:19.09.2022.

8. Rc.No.315/RBSK/NHM/2022, Dated: 22.09.2022 from The Mission Director, NHM, 5th Floor, APIIC Building, Mangalagiri, Guntur District


In continuation of this office proceedings in the ref 2nd, 5th and 7th read above all the R.J.D.S.ES., D.E.OS & APCs in the state are informed that in the ref 8th read above The Mission Director. NHM, 5th Floor, APIIC Building. Mangalagiri, Guntur District has informed that to implement the following mentioned recommendations at the earliest and before Mop-up Day (September 24, 2022) to make NDD program a success and benefitting millions of children in the State.

All the DEOS and RJDSES are informed that 78% of schools have conducted NDD on 21.09.2022 and it requested to issue directives/messages/calls to the Mandal Education officers(MEOs)/ Head Masters to further reiterate the mandals to inform schools and Educational Institutions to conduct deworming on the Mop-up Day (September 24, 2022) for the students who are absent on the NDD. . The inclusion of private schools is very crucial considering the high enrolment (40%) in the private schools. The DEOS need to issue specific communication to all the private schools emphasizing the importance of deworming and focus on optimum coverage of the private school children who have missed treatment during NDD. (Only 60% private schools conducted deworming on NDD) The DEOS to ensure detailed communication to Mandal and below for ensuring supervised drug administration by the teachers on Mop-up Day.No drug to be given to the children for consumption at home. (92% Schools conducted supervised drug administration) and Schools to ensure discussions /talks on the importance of deworming and share the date of Mop-up Day with children during morning assembly or on any other platforms. 

All the District level officials should ensure that corrective actions are shared with all concerned functionaries through directives, WhatsApp groups and SMS by September 23, 2022. In view of the above, all the R.J.D.S.Es., D.E.OS & APCs in the state aren istructed to follow the above instructions scrupulously and conduct the Mop-up Day (MUD) scheduled on 24/09/2022 and make it successful.

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