Conduct of State Level PMU Training Program to the PMU staff of 26 Districts Rc.6

SE Dept., PM POSHAN - Jagananna Gorumudda (JGM) (Mid Day Meal (MDM)) Conduct of State Level PMU Training Program to the PMU staff of 26 Districts at 0/0 Director, MDM & SS, AP, Vijayawada -Certain instructions - Issued - Reg.


1. G.O.Ms.No. 22 School Education (Prg-1) Department, dt.12.03.2021.

2. This office Memo.No.ESE02-27023/1/2020-MDM-CSE, dt.03.06.2021.

3. Govt. Circular Memo.No.GAD1-SUOMISC/31/2019-SU-1, dt.20.11.19. 

4. This office Memo.No.ESE02-27023/1/2020-MDM-CS, dt.08.07.2021.

5. This office Memo.No.ESE02-27023/1/2020-MDM-CSE, dt.05.08.2021.

6. Govt.Memo.No.ESE01-SEDNOCSE/879/Prog.1/2022, dt.02.03.2022.

7. Govt.Memo.No.ESE01-SEDNOCSE/879/Prog.1/2022, dt.12.09.2022. 8. This office Memo.No.ESE02-27021/53/2022-MDM&SS, dt.09.05.2022.


The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the State are drwn to the reference 1st to 8th read above, the Government of Andhra Pradesh has accorded permission to the Director, Mid-Day Meal & SS for creation of Project Monitoring Unit (PMU) in 26 Districts in the State under Mid-day Meal (MDM) & Toilet Maintenance Fund (TMF). Accordingly, instructions are already issued to theàaa District to engage the qualified staff under PMU.

In this context, it is decided to organize a State Level Training Program to the PMU staff of 26 Districts for effective monitoring of the Implementation of PM POSHAN Jagananna Gorumudda (MDM) & School Sanitation in the State. The participants will be the State PMU team and the MDM and TMF PMU staff in the 26 Districts. The training program scheduled on 28.09,2022 will start by 10:00 AM in the Conference Hall, 2nd floor O/o the Director, Mid-Day Meal & SS, AP, Vijayawada. The items to be trained are mentioned in the Annexure (enclosed).

Therefore, all the District Educational Officers in the State are hereby requested to depute the Project Monitoring Unit (PMU) staff of MDM and TMF to the0/0 Director, MDM & SS, AP, Vijayawada on 28.09.2022 and instruct them to attend the Training programme without fail.

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