Academics Mapping of Schools and reapportionment of teaching staff under various managements viz., Govt., ZPP/MPP representation received from the Hon'ble MLA's Instructions-Issued Rc..13

School Education Nadu Nedu Academics Mapping of Schools and reapportionment of teaching staff under various managements viz., Govt., ZPP/MPP representation received from the Hon'ble MLA's Instructions-Issued.. 

1.G.O.Ms.No.84, School Education(Prog.II)Dept., de:24.12.2021.

2. G.O.Ms.No.85, School Education(Prog.II)Dept., dr:24.12.2021.

3. The AP Gazettee Published by the Govt of AP dt:27.12.2021,

4. This office Procs.Rc.No.ESE02-13/90/2021-EST3-CSE-Part(2)-1, dt: 18.05.2022.

5. Note.No.69 & 73 M(Education)/CO/2022, dt: 19.07.2022 & 21.07.2022 of the Hon'ble Minister for Education, Govt of AP. 

6. This office Lr.Rc.No.ESE02-13/90/2021-EST3-CSE-Part(6).de:24.07.2022.

The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the references read above wherein Government have issued orders in restructuring and relocating of existing Anganwadi centers and exiting non residential schools run by the State Government, MPP, ZPP, Municipal and Tribal Welfare department Schools into 6 categories and also issued mendments to the AP Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2010.

Accordingly in the reference 4 cited, instructions were issued to all the District Educational Officers in the State to take up the procese reference 5 citthe Hon'ble Minister for Education,Government of Andhra Pradesh has sent the representations of the Hon'ble MLA's regarding the issues facing by the parents and students in mapping of schools and requested to study the feasibility of the requests and to sort out the issues on war footing.

In the reference 6th cited, while enclosing a copy of the said Hon'ble MLA's representations all the District Collectors in the State were requested to constitute a committee and to examine those representations as per the norms. prescribed by the Government and to submit report on the feasibility of their request on or before 28.07.2022 for submission of the same to Government and to issue necessary orders. In addition to this, District Collectors have informed about other representations received at their level form the public representatives, which were also verified by the District level committee

Accordingly, reports are received from districts recommending to retain some schools as per norms issued by Government and instructions issued by the Commissioner of School Education, AP.

Hence, based on the aforesaid circumstances, all the District Collectors are hereby permitted to reverse the decision taken in mapping such PS/UPS, wherein the district level committee has recommended for retention due to deviation from the Government Instructions or/and hardship to the children. Further all District Collectors are instructed to furnish the final report based on the recommendations of the committee, latest by 8.08.2022 without any further delay.

It is also informed that if any adverse reports or representations are received regarding the lapses in mapping of Schools and inconvenience to the students even after the completion of this exercise and if they are found to be genuine, then the Officers concerned shall be held responsible and stringent action initiated against them as per APCS(CCA) Rules, 1991 for dereliction of duty, negligence and non-compliance with government directions.

Top priority should be given to this item of work.

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