APSS-SIEMAT- Teacher Capacity Building online Certificate Course on "Constructive Teaching and Learning with Technology Level 2" conducted by Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai - supported by UNICEF-orders-issued Memo:15023
Ref: 1. 1. This Ofce Memo. No: 55-15023/1/2022-SAMO-SSA. dt.02/02/2022.
The attention of all the District Educational Officers & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators, Additional project Coordinator of Samagra Shiksha and Principals of DIETS in the state is invited to the reference read above and informed that a Step-2 of the program for 334 teachers will be moving to next step as a Master Trainer Candidates (MTC). A detailed orientation session will be conducted by the TISS Team in the last week of this month under online certification course on' constructive teaching and learning with technology' for the qualified teachers by Tata Institute of Social Science supported by UNICEF, India is scheduled to conduct.
In this connection, all the 334 teachers who are qualified in the Batch -I online course across Andhra Pradesh and they have to be informed to join for the Step 2 of the program. Further, it is informed that this course is going to be start in the last week of this month followed by a one-hour orientation class. The timing of the inauguration will be communicated through WhatsApp groups
Hence, District Educational Officers & Ex-officio Project Coordinators, Additional project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha, and Principals of DIETs are instructed to disseminate the information to the 334 teachers who are qualified for the 1 batch online and take all necessary steps for 100% participation of teachers. Any queries in this regard, may contact to DIKSHA team (9849779717) of APSS. 334 qualified teachers' details are attached
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