GVWV & VSWS Department - Aadhaar 2nd camps - Reg Lr.1658974

GVWV & VSWS Department - Aadhaar 2nd camps - Reg.


1.GO.Ms.No.156. General Administration Department. Dated:21-122019

2. Minutes of the Department meeting conducted by the Special ChiefSecretary to Government, GVWV & GSWS Department on 16-11-2021

3.FileNo:GWS02-GWSOSM/10/2022-DS22/06/2022.dt:22.06.2022 of The Director . GVWV & VSWSD of this office, Vijayawada,

In the reference cited, the Government established Gram/Ward Volunteers and Village/Ward Secretariats system for effective implementation of welfare programs and improve delivery of services at doorsteps of citizens in a transparent and corruption free manner and established 11.162 Village Secretariats and 3.842 Ward Secretariats and posted 1.34 Functionaries of 14 departments. Vide ref. 2nd cited above, the Special Chief Secretary to the Government. GSWS & GVWV Department instructed to procure 3000 Aadhaar Enrolment Kits (AEKs) for establishing 3000 Aadhaar Service Centers.

Currently Department has established 1100 Aadhaar seva Kendra's (ASK's) in Secretariats/CSC and have delivered a total of 5.63 Lakhs of Aadhaar services such as New Aadhaar enrolments, Mandatory Biometric updates, Biometric updates. Demographic updates and E-Aadhaar. The Children aged after 5 years and after 15 Years shall mandatorily update their biometric as per UIDAI Guidelines.Vide ref. 3rd cited above. GSWS & GVWV Department has conducted 1st Aadhaar Special camp on 29.06.2022 with 824 Secretariats and delivered nearly 30.000 Aadhaar services on the camp day. Keeping In view of the high demand from the public on demographic updates and to update all Mandatory biometric for the school children aged 5-15 years as per UIDAI guild lines. it is proposed to conduct 2nd special camp on 27.07.2022 &28.07.2022 at AEKS Established Secretariat/CSC. It is further informed that along with Mandatory Biometric other services like New Aadhaar enrolments, Demographic updates, and biometric updates can also be updated during the camp.

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