1. The Committee members shall convene a meeting with all the Headmasters where e-Hazar enabled of that particular division and guide the Headmasters in optimum utilization of the devices by giving them proper training. i.e
a. Powering on the devices and updating the software
b. Installation of attendance APPS / RD Services etc.
c. Charging the idle devices which were not used for long time.
2. They shall obtain the no of devices counts, working status, (model wise / Item wise, ), No of devices having minor problem ( battery issues, network issues), No of devices not working etc.. and prepare the statements item wise.
3. They should also verify no of devices supplied to the schools and no of available.
4. The missing devices count should be obtained with proper justification.
5. After getting the factual position from the Headmasters, the committee should randomly some devices and confirm the same. 6. After substantiating the reports they shall submit the data to District Educational Officers in the format prescribed.
7. The District Educational Officers shall consolidate the divisional committee reports and the send the same to HOD for taking further action in the above matter..
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