DEOs Revised Job Chart Rc.30029


I.Administrative Duties

i. Review of inspection reports of MEOs/ Dy. I.Os and follow up action.

ii. Convening monthly Academic and administrative review meetings with Dy.E.Os, M.E.Os, Dy. I.Os and Head Masters of Schools. 

iii.Grant of Leaves (Casual Leave and Special CasualLeave/E.L./H.P.L/Commuted Leave/ Maternity Leave/ and Extraordinary Leave)

iv.Sanction of Increment and Pay fxations.

v. Sanction of automatic advancement scheme, L.T.C and Joining permissions. 

vi.Sanction of G.P.F Loans, Part fnals, and forwarding for GPF with drawls. 

vii.Sanction of FBF and GIS amounts.

viii.Sanction of pension and forwarding proposals to the Accountant General and also APGLI applications 

ix.Drawl of Medical Advance / Reimbursements after sanction by the DSE / CSE. 

x. Counter Signature on Transfer Certifcate of the Students seeking admissions in other countries.existing service rules for all teachers working in Government, Zilla Parishad, Mandal Parishad Schools. Impose minor punishments as per APCS (CCA) rules 1991. 

xii.Conduct of enquiries as entrusted by Higher Authorities.

xiii.Disposal of all kinds of Appeals as per the administrative jurisdiction.

xv.Sanction of Scholarships. 

xvi.Conduct of Orientation programmes to Teachers, HMs and MEOs/Dy. IOs, Dy. EOs.

xvii.Appointments, Transfers, Promotions to SGTs and its equalent cadre and appointment and transfers of School Assistants.

xviii.Preparation of Provisional and Final Seniority lists upto the cadre of Schools Assistants in respect of Teaching staf and upto the cadre of Senior Assistants in respect of Non-Teaching staf

xix.Disciplinary Authority in respect of posts of SGTs/SAs and its equivalent cadre, and all Non Teaching posts up to Senior Assistant cadre and related court cases.

xx.Fixation of pay to all the Staf under his control as was in the case of disciplinary authority.

xxi.Identifcation of need for establishing new schools / upgrading the existing schools. 

xxii.All types of disciplinary proceedings and legal issues.

II.Managerial Duties:

i. To conduct programmes to address the gap on Learning out comes.

ii. Supervision and review of Lesson Plans / expected Learning out comes / Quality initiatives / Remedial teaching/ Implementation of Academic calendar / PTA meetings M.E.O's / Dy.I.Os and Dy.EOs. performance and preparation of plan of action under achieving Schools. before 30th of April.

M.E.Os/Dy.I.Os, Dy. Eos/ ACGEs/ Coordinators (APOSS) before 30th of April and conduction of inspection as per the Tour programme.

viii.Maintenance of Teacher Performance Reports (T.P.R).

x. Permission, Recognition and Registration Authority in respect of Preprimary, Primary and Upper Primary (Preparatory, Functional and Middle Schools) for unaided managements and related court cases.

xi.Submission of proposals for Permission, Recognition and Registration Authority in respect of Preprimary, Primary and Upper Primary (Preparatory, Functional and Middle Schools) under Government /Local Bodies.

xii.Implementation and supervision of Plan Schemes such as Samagra Siksha, various grants to schools provision of Aids and Appliances, vocational education inclusive education, all educational programmes.

xiii.Distribution of text books, Note Books, School Bags, uniforms,Shoes, scholarships etc.,

ix.Submission of proposals for opening of new schools, and Up

iii.Organization of academic trainings for teachers, Head Masters,

vi.Submission of Annual Tour Programme to RJDSE and also to DSE/CSE

iv.Review of academic performance, learning out comes and gradation of Primary (Preparatory and functional schools) into UpperPrimary (Middle Schools), High Schools Under Government management to CSE/DSE.achievements of teachers and fxing targets for each subject.

vii.Approval of annual tentative tour programme submitted by

v. Identifcation of Schools in 3 categories based on the school

xiv.Streamlining dropouts/ OSC /CwSN/ Computer literacy schemes. 

xv.Attending the programmes conducted by NCERT, Scouts and Guides, Junior Red Cross, NCC., Cultural Afairs and Sports meets.

xvi.Conduct of Examinations 1st to 10th Class Students and summative and formative assessments from 1st to 10th classes. 

xvii.To Conduct and monitor all types of internal examinations (from Class 1 to 10th) , including SSC Examinations and conduct of Spot valuations.

xviii.To maintain data of recognized schools

xix.Constitution of District Common Examination Board and conduct of meetings. 

xx.Distribution of Text Books and Note books/ Uniforms/ Belts/ Shoes /School Bag to children.

xxi.Conduct of Teacher Eligibility Tests.

xxii.Conduct of DEECET/ LP CET / TRT/TET /NTSE /NMMS / Olympiad /Examinations etc., entrance test.

xxiii.Conduct of Open School coordination meetings / orientation /enrolment programmes/ Examinations /spot valuations . 

xxiv.Implementation, monitoring and supervision of Mid Day Meal scheme and spot visits.

xxv.Maintenance / Supervision and proper utilization of TMF (Toilet Maintenance Fund), and sending reports to the Director MDM.

xxvi.Supervision of all Staf under all wings in the District. 

xxvii.To ensure sufcient infrastructure facilities/ implementation of time to time schemes under CIVIL works / New Constructions /Repairs / Compound walls/ kitchen sheds/ Toilets / Provision of lab equipment/ sports and games material/ Electricity/ Safety water/computer literacy facilities, DCRs etc., and maintenance for extension of assets / buildings /infrastructure. 

xxviii.To instruct all the HMs/MEOs/Dy.EOs to make all eforts to enter data with respect to PGIs and SDGs that refect in the National ranks.

xxix.To instruct inspecting ofcers /HMs to verify the lesson plans of teachers and record the learning outcomes and students during the visits / observation .

xxx.Implementation of provisions of the academic calendar inevitably.

xxxi.To monitor entire AP open Schools Programmes. 

xxxii.To monitor admission procedures, conduct of panel inspections,academic review meetings, day and night visits to hostels.

xxxiii.Ownership of all the Schools in the District. 

xxxiv.Supervision on conduct of programmes by Jawahar Bal Bhavan.

xxxv.Conduct of coordination meetings with Teachers’ Unions once in three months.

III.Planning and Organization Duties:

1. Collection of Statistical Data in respect of opening of New Schools,Upgaradation of Existing Schools and U.D.I.S.E.

2. Improvement in enrollment, Attendance, Achievements of students in schools.

3. Preparation of Village level, Divisional level and District Level plans.

4. Maintenance of Time lines in respect of according permissions for opening/upgradation of schools.

5. Maintenance of Statistics in accordance with cadre strength,vacancies of all categories of all posts and personnel working under D.E.O control and its jurisdiction.

6. Getting population Registers and school aged children registers updated by 31st may of every year. 

IV.Finance and Budgeting.

1. Preparation and submission of Number Statements, Budget Estimates, Revised Estimates and Year ending surrender of amounts statement.

2. Preparation of Monthly reconciliation of Accounts and Submission of Statement promptly.

3. Checking of irregular and unauthorized expenditure.

4. Clearance of all of court cases / Loka yuktha / RTI /CMP / Grievances/ A.G.Audit Objections / .

5. Prompt disposal of pension cases.

6. Utilization of allotted budget provisions fully without deviation to fnancial regulations.

7. Ensuring regular, annual of Audit Accounts in Aided Educational Institutions.

8. Allotment/ Distribution / Controlling / and Accounting for all kinds of funds/ Grants released from the Government.

9. Budgeting in respect of Schools in the jurisdiction

10.Maintenance and controlling of DCEB Funds 


Inspections of the following Institutions:

a. Government Secondary Schools with Gazetted H.M Grade-1 

b. Andhra Pradesh Model Schools (Up to Class 10)

c. Andhra Pradesh Residential Education Institutions

d) Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (Up to Class 10).

e) Aided Oriental Schools 

f) Aided Hindi Vidyalayas. 

g. Ofces of M.E.Os/ Dy. I.Os.Academic inspection of TW/BCW/SW/Minority Schools.

VI. Visits of the following Institutions:

a. Government Secondary Schools 

b. Zilla Parishad Schools

c. Mandal Parishad Schools

d. Municipal Schools

e. Andhra Pradesh Model Schools

f. Andhra Pradesh Residential Education Institutions

g. Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas

h. AP Open Schools Centers

i. District Institute of Education and Training Colleges/ Private

D.Ed Colleges / B.Ed colleges / TPT/ HPT Colleges/ PhysicalEducation colleges.

j. Aided Oriental Schools

k. Aided Hindi Vidyalayas

l. All residential schools – APREIS/TW/MJPAP BCW / SW/Minority/Ashram/ other residential Schools.

m.Offices of M.E.Os/ Dy. I.Os

n. Ofce of Dy. E.Os. 

o. Sports schools run by SAAP.

p. Special Schools 

q. Continuing Education Centres.

r. Private Un-aided schools.

s. Complex schools / meetings.

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