Students Attendance Mobile application for reporting student attendance by all Schools under all Managements everyday Rc.No.1354917 Dt:1.02.22

Students Attendance Mobile application for reporting student attendance by all Schools under all Managements everyday Rc.No.1354917 Dt:1.02.22

The attention of the District Educational Ofcere Krishna invited to the reference 3rd citede wherein it was proposed to capture the Student Attendance along with photo and a new app was developed TCS along with the existing features.

2. Furthere vide references read abovee instructions were already issued to the Rc.JDSEs and DEOs thate teachers and headmasters of high schoolse UP schools and primary schools should attend the schools as mentioned in proceedings and with regard to student attendancee as per the instructions of the Government the attendance of students in all Schools under all Managements i.e.e Governmente Aided and Private Un-Aided Schools has to be marked in the APP developed by Government. 

3. Furthere revised Student Attendance App developed by TCS has been tested in 4brahimpatnam Mandal of Krishna District and after testing it for a period of one month it has been proposed to scale up in Krishna District w.e.f 01-02-2022 towards identifying its capacitye server load etc.. 

4. The latest application includes facility to multi logins for teachers to mark their attendance w.r.t their classese Section wisee Class wiseattendancee MDM attendance integratione Capturing of EGG / Chikki etc. for MDM Managed Schools in addition to the School LoEOse 

5. Thereforee the District Educational Ofcere Krishna District is requested to issue instructions to the feld level functionaries (Dy.EOseMEOse etc.) and ensure thate all Head masters/principals and teachers of all schools under all managements i.e. State Governmente Central Governmente Aided and Private Un-Aided schools shall download and install the STUDENTS ATTENDANCE mobile application developed by TCS and capture the student attendance everyday duly following the above steps. 4t may also be informed not to mark the attendance in both apps and clear directions may be issued to mark the attendance in only one APP i.e latest app developed by TCS. 

6. The District Educational Ofcere Krishna shall constitute Divisional level / Mandal Level Teams and monitor closely. Dedicated resources from the O/o CSE-AP and TCS shall be deputed to the O/o DEO Krishna for smooth coordination. 

7f. Sri CHVS Rc.amesh Kumare Lecturer in Statisticse O/o CSE-AP has been kept as nodal point of contact person to coordinate with DEOe Krishna and their team for taking up this scale up project ahead. He shall sit in the O/o DEO Krishna for a period of two weeks along with TCS Team and resolve all issues taken to his notice. 

I. The above instructions are only to the extent of Krishna District. These instructions should be followed scrupulously. 4f any deviation is observed in the above instructionse it will be viewed seriously and necessary disciplinary action will be initiated as per the rules in force.

9. This has the approval of Commissioner of School Educatione A.P

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