Implementation of Night Curfew from 11.00 P.M. to 05.00 A.M up to 31.01.2022 Certain Restrictions/Guidelines for implementation in the State in wake of COVID-19 until further orders to Contain the spread of Covid-19 Issued GO.Rt:20 Dt:11.01.22

Implementation of Night Curfew from 11.00 P.M. to 05.00 A.M up to 31.01.2022 Certain Restrictions/Guidelines for implementation in the State in wake of COVID-19 until further orders to Contain the spread of Covid-19 Issued GO.Rt:20 Dt:11.01.22


Government of Andhra Pradesh has taken several steps to contain the spread of Covid-19 with focus on test-trace-treat-vaccinate and inculcate COVID appropriate behaviour amongst the people. Various news reports as well as advisories issued by WHO and MOHFW, Government India about Omicron variant have necessitated a re-look at imposing a few restrictions for implementation in the State.

2. After a thorough review of the COVID-19 situation, Government hereby impose Curfew from 11.00 P.M to 05.00 A.M upto 31.01.2022 with following exemptions during the period of implementation of the curfew:

a. Hospitals, diagnostic labs, Pharmacies.

b. Print and electronic media.

c. Telecommunications, Internet services, Broadcasting services, IT nabled services.

d. Petrol pumps. 

e. Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution.

f. Water supply and Sanitation. 

g. Officers/Officials of Government of India and Government of Andhra Pradesh including those of High Court of A.P. and other courts, Urban Local Bodies and Panchayat Raj Institutions on emergency duty on production of valid duty pass with identity card. 

h. All Medical personnel such Doctors, nursing staff, paramedics and providers of other Hospital services (both Govt. and Private) etc. on production of valid identity card.

i. Pregnant women and patients for the purpose of receiving medical care.

j. Persons coming from/going to airports, railway stations, bus stands on production of valid ticket. The local administration shall make appropriate arrangements at the airports and railway stations to enable such travel. 

k. All Inter-State and Intra-State movement of goods are permitted.

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