NATIONAL PENSION SYSTEM - Salary Bill of 2nd month of new employees - Not to be passed if not submitted PRAN details Instructions to all Treasury Officers / PAO - Issued.
Ref: 1. Cir.Memo.No.6336-A/58/A2/Pen.1/2013; dt:12.03.2013 of Finance (Pen-I) Dept.
2. Cir. Memo No. F2/13188/2013-1; dt:28.02.2018 of DTA.
Not to be passed bills if not submitted PRAN details:
Attention of all the Deputy Directors of District Treasuries in the State is drawn to the subject and references cited, where instructions were issued to the effect that "the first salary claim of a newly appointed Government servant should be admitted as-usual and the subsequent claims should be admitted only on producing PRAN (or) an acknowledgement issued by the CRA-FC in token of having accepted the application of the Government servant for generation of PRAN". However, on verification it is observed that salaries of certain CPS employees are being claimed without PRAN Account details.
Therefore, all the Treasury Officers are once again instructed to follow the instructions scrupulously issued in the above circulars, while passing salary bills of CPS employees.
The Deputy Directors of District Treasuries in the State are requested to take necessary action in this regard and they will be held responsible for any deviation to these instructions.
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