Relaxation of ban on General Transfers to the extent of Mutual Transfers GO.98 Dt:06.12.21

Finance Department Public Services-Human Resources-Transfers and Postings of Government employees -Relaxation of ban on General Transfers to the extent of Mutual Transfers only up to 04-01-2022- Orders-Issued


G.O.Ms.No.98 Dated:06.12.2021. Read as follows:

1. GO.Ms.No.45, Finance (HR.I-Plg & Policy) Department, dated: 24-06-2019.

2 G.O.Ms.No.59, Finance (HR.I-Plg. &Policy) Department, dated: 04-07-2019.

Mutual Transfers only up to 04-01-2022 GO.98

In the reference 2d read above, the ban on transfers has been relaxed up to 10th July, 2019 and the ban on transfers came into force with effect from 11 July, 2019.

2 Due to 1 and 2nd Wave of Covid-19 pandemic, lifting of ban on transfers was not feasible in month of May 2020 and 2021 years as restriction on the movement was central to the containment of Covid-19.

3. The Government, after careful examination of the current situation, & duly considering representations received from the various Employees Associations, here by permit mutual transfers of Government employees up to 04-01-2022 in partial relaxation of ban on general transfers issued in G.O. 2nd read above.

4.The following procedure shall be followed for effecting the mutual transfers. i The Government employees seeking mutual transfers shall make an application to the competent authorities. Both the applicants should have completed a minimum service of two (2)years in the existing posts as on the date of the issue of this order.

The mutual transfers shall be within the local cadre for the respective posts.

iv. The mutual transfers shall be between the same category of posts.

v. All the transfers shall be effected by the competent authorities as per the existing orders of delegation, subject to the existing Government orders and conditions prescribed.

vi. The requests of employees having any charges /ACB/Vigilance cases pending against him/her shall not be considered for transfer. The concerned Authority shall indicate that fact clearly against the name of that employee if there is any request for transfer. 

vii The Head of the Department concerned is responsible for the implementation of the transfer orders in the most transparent mannerwithout giving any scope for complaints / allegations. Any violation of these guidelines will be viewed seriously.

vill. The Special Chief Secretaries/Prl. Secretaries/Secretaries of the concerned Secretariat departments will be responsible to oversee the proper implementation of the mutual transfers permitted in their respective departments. ix. All mutual transfers effected under this order shall be treated as request transfers and no TTA and other transfer benefits shall be sanctioned.

5. The ban on mutual transfers shall come into force with effect from 05-01-2022 (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH)

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