Merging Revised Guidelines: Guidelines on Merging 3,4,5 classes to the nearest High Schools Rc.151 Dt:14.12.21

School Education Academic and Administrative reforms Optimal utilization of infrastructural and human resources for higher learning outcomes among students – Certain revised guidelines Issued.


1. This office even proceedings dated & 11.11.2021

2. Discussions held at DEOs conference on 09/12/2021.

Guidelines on Merging 3,4,5 classes to the nearest High Schools Rc.151 Dt:14.12.21

The Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state is invited to the references cited above wherein certain guidelines were issued with respect to optimal utilization of human resources for higher learning outcomes among students as a part of academic and administrative reforms.

2. Further, certain arrangements were made for mapping the students of 3,4, and 5 classes of primary schools to the high schools within same compound/adjacent to the compound/ below 250 meters radius and to become a part of high schools. Accordingly, the schools and students were mapped. While implementing the proposed reforms certain observations were made by the authorities during the discussions vide reference 2nd cited that the unique implementation strategy is not understood by the field functionaries and the exercise was done based on their own interpretations.

3. Keeping in view of the above the following comprehensive guidelines are issued for implementation of the proposed reforms for ensuring optimal utilization of infrastructural and human resources for higher learning outcomes among students.

a. As mapping of schools is completed, please revisit the mapping and update if necessary.

b. Teachers @ 1:30 shall be ensured for students of Classes 1 and 2 of such Primary Schools.

c. While redeploying teachers for foundational schools, junior most secondary grade teachers in total service shall be retained for teaching classes 1 & 2. Remaining teachers including qualifed LFL

Headmaster and SGTs shall be redeployed to mapped high schools.

d. While considering the workload and timetable from classes 3 to 10  the staf pattern shall be One HM, One PET/SA(PEF along with 9 teachers (either SA, LFL HM or SGTF.

e. The required staf shall be exercised for high school, based on the suggested staffing pattern and the additional sections if any and irrespective of medium.

f. The additional requirement of the staf to the high school shall be redeployed from the surplus staf on priority from the primary schools mapped, near by primary/upper primary/high schools, schools in same mandal, schools in nearby mandal and fnally any school from the district on work adjustment basis for the year 2021-22 only.

g. The headmaster of such high school is competent to utilize the human resources available as per their educational qualifcations duly following the subject weightages suggested in the academic calendar. Instructional periods of the respective subjects shall be allocated to the subject teachers / qualifed teachers only, rest of the periods such as remedial teaching, library, art/drawing etc., shall be allocated to any teacher to fulfll their workload.

h. While mapping the schools, the schools in same compound may be considered as a composite school from classes 1 to 10 with due resolution of Parents Committee concerned.

i. If the accommodation is not sufficient to run classes from 3 to 10 in respective High Schools, the classes 3 to 5 shall function at the Primary School mapped and the teachers of High School including teachers deployed from primary schools shall take classes to the students of classes 3 to 5 at primary school and the Headmaster of high school shall administer and monitor accordingly.

4. Therefore, all District Educational Officers in the State are requested to take further necessary action regarding fnalizing the cadre strength, arrangements for claiming salaries duly in consultation with the concerned District Treasury Officers. The particulars of mapped schools shall be furnished to this office so as to make necessary modifcations in child info and to communicate the same to the Director, Mid-Day Meal for necessary modifcations in IMMS application. The entire process shall be completed on or before 15.12.2021 positively to ensure that the new administrative and academic arrangements shall be in force.

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