Long pending demands of Employees, Teachers, Workers, Retired Employees, Contract & Outsourcing Employees- Request to resolve all the pending demands

We wish to bring to the kind notice of the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Government of Andhra Pradesh that certain long pending demands are not resolved for the last several years as a result of which there is a strong opposition against the leadership of Employees Associations in the State.

         Keeping in view of present growing dissatisfaction in the minds of Employees, Teachers, Workers, Pensioners, Contract & Outsourcing employees in the state with regard to achieve of our long pending demands, we on-behalf two JACs i.e., AP JAC & AP JAC Amaravathi both have decided to represent the long pending demands/issues to the Government on one platform in the name of “AP JAC & AP JAC Amaravathi  Ikya  Vedhika”.  


AP JAC & JAC Amaravathi Demands:

                        We submit the following few important demands to be resolved by the Government on top priority without further delay.

1. We seriously condemn the act of the State Finance Department as we are not getting our Pensions & salaries on 1st of every month   especially the Pensioners are facing lot of difficulties due to abnormal delay in getting their pensions in time. In addition to this, we are not getting our surrender leave encashment to our employees including Police officials, financial benefits of retired / retiring employees, GPF / APGLI loan amounts, Medical reimbursement bills and other financial payments due to the employees of various departments including funeral charges which are pending with Finance Department. It is not out of place to mention here that there are so many bills pertaining to Employees, Teachers, Pensioners, Contract & Outsourcing employees are lying pending in the Finance Department for the last one year.

                        Hence, it is necessary to issue strict instructions to the Prl.Secretary, Finance to release funds and ensure payment of salaries and pensions on 1st of every month as was being done for the last few decades in the State and also to settle the other bills pending with Finance Department.

2 A. Announcement of 11th PRC immediately without further delay since the Commissioner, 11th PRC have submitted his report to the Government long back.

B. Request to implement of IR and PRC recommendations to State Public Sector employees and Universities.

3. As promised by the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Government of Andhra Pradesh, the Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS) has to be abolished and the Old Pension scheme should be restored immediately.

4. The Government have to take immediate steps to pay the long-  awaited DA arrears (i.e., 2 announced DAs 1.7.2018 & 1.1.2019 and 5 DAs from 1.7.2019 to 1.7.2021) to Employees, Teachers, Workers and Retired Employees before 31.12.2021. 

5. We request the Government to take immediate steps to repeal the CFMS System which was introduced by the previous Government, as it becomes a stumbling block for employees and requested to ensure timely payments to employees.

6. Contract Employees recruited by the District Selection Committee as per ROR have to be regularized immediately and entire contract system should be abolished for future recruitment. 

7. Implementation of the ambitious 'Employees Health Scheme' by the State Government is not at all beneficial to Employees, Teachers, Workers as there is no benefit to the employees & Retired employees so far, since no full pledged implementation is done through network hospitals. Though we are contributing monthly subscriptions to the Government for successful implementation of EHS, there is no proper treatment in network hospitals and thereby Employees, Teachers & Pensions are paying huge money from their pocket to the Hospitals and getting meager amounts through Medical Reimbursement. 

                                In view of the above, we are under the opinion that, if the Government does not implement EHS card adequately, we request the Government to abolish this scheme and hand over to the corporate insurance companies under the supervision of the Government to provide better medical care to the Employees, Teachers & Pensioners. 

8. To enhance the salaries of the Contract & Outsourcing Employees working in the State immediately.

9. We felt that some of the Secretaries in various Departments like; Medical & Health, Education and Municipal etc., are not taking serious steps for issue of Departmental promotions to the employees and kept vacancies pending years together.

10. Request for retention of all Office bearers of  Recognized Service Associations till they complete present three (3) terms or Nine (9) Nine years stay in their respective working stations i.e., State / District Taluk level Head Quarters by cancelling the orders issued vide Govt. Circular memo. GAD01-SW-SERA/27/2019-SW Dated:23-01-2020 by protecting the rights of employees.

11. We request to consider the following demands.

a. The Commercial Taxes NGO`s Association request to disband of boarder Check posts under GST regime w.e.f 01-07-2017 in Commercial Tax Department and also request for shifting of posts to the Circles and Division Offices from defunct check posts. As there is no additional expenditure involved if the proposal is considered and also all the posts are sanctioned posts only. 

b. Assigning of Gazetted Status to the post of ACTO/GSTO.

12. Government have issued Orders in GO.MS.No.152 Finance (HR.III Pension) Department dated 25.11.2019, that the procedural guidelines for sanction family pension to the Widowed/ Divorced and unmarried Daughter under Category. II and restriction of age limit up to 45 years have been ordered for eligibility.

We request to take appropriate action for withdrawal of the age limit with regard to family pension to the Widowed/ Divorced and unmarried Daughter as ordered in the said Government Order in the interest of bewared family members and request to issue necessary amendment orders at an early.

13. To consider 180 days of maternity leave availed by Women employees as duty period during their probation period.

14. To consider to continue Dearness Allowance to Village Revenue Assistants @ Rs.500/- (which was stopped during June 2018 onwards) as was being continued for the decades onwards and also to release 10% deferred salaries to Village Revenue Assistants immediately which were stopped due to 1st wave of Corona as all the remaining employees whose 10% deferred salaries were paid by the Government in Dec.2020/Jan.2021.

15. Amendment to AP Ministerial Service Rules to abolish Typist post and also to remove Typing qualifications with retrospective effect since majority of the employees who were being appointed for the last several years on conditional compassionate grounds for the post of typist have not qualified due to non availability of typing institutes & hence getting reversions as class-iv employees which is unfair and injustice to the families of deceased Government employees.

16. Although the retirement age for public servants has been raised from 58 years to 60 years, the retirement age for Class-IV employees who are 60 years of age at the same time has not been increased by the previous Government. Hence, genuine & long pending demand of Class-IV Government employees who are low class sector employees should be fulfilled by raising the superannuation period of Class-IV employees working in the State from 60 to 62 years.

17. We request to consider the following demands.

a. Up-gradation of record, Lab / Library Assistant posts in ZPPH Schools in the State to the cadre of Jr. Assistants to cater the Administration needs of High Schools in A.P. Panchayat Raj Ministerial Employees.

b. Restoration of 23 Administrative Officer and 13 Account Officers Posts in ZPPs in the State which are surrender for creation of DLDOs and to withdraw the condition to provide staff to DLDOs by diverting the posts from the ZPPs duly amending the G.O.Ms.No.674.

c. To bring the Ministerial Posts in Divisions and Sub-Divisions of Panchayat Raj Department and RWS into the cadre strength of Zill Parishad to resolve the present problem persistent in Department.

18. We request to consider the following demands:

a. Request to create the Mandal Social Welfare Officer posts and post the presently working Hostel Welfare Officers in the created posts in A.P. Hostel Welfare Officers.

b. Request change of menu as per the rates of the year 2021 instead of Old menu of the year 2018.

c. Request to takes steps to credit the diet bills through green channel into the Accounts without any delay.

19. We request to create Promotional Avenues to the Agricultural Extension Officer’s who are not getting even a single promotion in their entire service.

20. We request to create 112 posts of Administrative Officers (14), Superintendent (28) and Sr. Assistants (70) by suppressing 202 posts of Typists, Tracers, Chainman etc. in Agriculture Department.  By creation of above posts by suppressing more than double the posts an amount of Rs.4.70 Crores per annum (approximately) will be a saving to the Government.

21. We request for implementation of A.P.Panchayat Raj Diploma Engineers Pay Scales of Rs.1050-1945 in RPS-1986 to Diploma work Inspectors as per the directions of Hon’ble High Court. (In WP.Nos. 16082, 16437 and 16428 of 2019).

22. We request the Government to dispense with the system of “Hire vehicles” system immediately and request to purchase "Government vehicles" in all Departments since its very important to maintain secrecy, loyalty & decorum in some departments like; Revenue, Panchayat Raj etc., during maintenance of Law & Order, Conduct of General Elections, Protocol etc., and the services of Govt.Drivers are very much required in those Departments.  

23. We all know that the Government have taken a bold decision to convert APSRTC employees into Government employees by merging them in to the “Public Transport Department” which is great & dynamic decision of our Hon’ble Chief Minister and ensured a great security to the families of around 73,000 of RTC (PTD) employees in the state. 

But there are so many important issues/problems as mentioned below to be resolved by the Government in respect of various facilities that are being continuing by the APSRTC towards their employees and the issues raised after merging them into Government sector which needs immediate attention & resolution by the Government.

The SRBS / SBT trusts (which have been abolished) which are being maintaining by the APSRTC with the participation of their employees/workers for the last several decades should be continued though the APSRTC employees were considered as public servants in addition to the existing facilities providing by the Government.

The Old Pension Scheme for APSRTC employees working in the Department of Public Transport should be implemented as was being implemented to the Government employees who joined before the 2004.

As APSRTC is still having separate entity, the recognised union of the AP PTD ( earlier APSRTC Employees Union with Reg. No. 215/1952) Employees Union should also be considered as recognized association in the Department of Public Transport.

24. We request the Government; 

a) to permit One Time Grant (through Cabinet approval) to all NGOs House Building Societies throughout the state which are pending for the last several years with the Government due to court litigations, though they have paid total market value as approved by the High Power committee headed by the CCLA & Spl.CS so as to enable them to distribute the house sites to all eligible employees/members. It is not out of place to mention here that majority of the employees who were members of the said societies were retired from service and some of them were died due to prolonged delay in getting house site pattas even after lapse of 30 to 35 years.        

b) In this regard, the Government have issued orders vide G.O.Rt.No.1937 GAD Dt: 28.08.2019 by framing certain guidelines for grant of house sites to all the Employees, Journalists, Pastors, Imams and Priests. We request the Government to extend the same facility to eligible Retired employees also. 

25. With regard to implementation of quota/ratio of Homeguards into various uniformed service departments for recruitment in Group 'C' and 'D' category vacancies, we request the Government to issue necessary orders for implementation of quota/ratio by all respective Uniformed Service Departments like; Fire, Prisons, Transport, Public Transport, Excise, Forest, Genco/Transco and all other State Government Departments as per Central Government orders. 

26. Request the Government to consider recoganization and also OD facility to various Service Associations working for the welfare of the employees in various Departments in the state for the last several years. 

27. Teachers / Head Masters request to consider the following demands.

a. Request for implementation of common service rules to all Teachers

b. Request for one time settlement opportunity to interstate Teacher transfers relaxing local and non-local condition.

c. Request for remove of different kinds of apps being implemented in Schools, Health Departments and Veterinary Departments.

d. Request for implementation of old pension scheme instead of CPS to those employees Recruited / Notified before 01-09-2004 particularly employees working in Education, Police and APPSC.

e. Request for extend the facility of Maternity Leave to those women employees deprived of the facility in some Departments. 

f. Extend the GPF facility to Municipal Teachers and open accounts accordingly. Appointment of academic instructors for teaching according to increase in the student strength.

g. Extend the OD facility to Teachers Unions who have permanent membership in Civil Services Joint Staff Council.

h. Request to take back the (3) illegally suspended employees of SSC Board into duties by revoking their suspension.

i. Request to fill up the Teacher vacancies by promotions.

j. Request to filling the Teachers / Headmaster Vacancies by promotions in Upgraded UP & High Schools.

k. Request to conduct the Tribal Welfare Teachers and Sanction the Warden and Aayaa's posts in this hostels.

28. Pay & Accounts (Works Accounts) Department and Pay & Accounts Office request to consider the following demands.

a. Request to assign the Gazetted status to 92 Superintendent in Pay & Accounts Departments (Work Accounts) re-designating them as Junior Accounts Officers.

b. Request to change the Nomenclature of 32 Superintendents posts in Pay & Accounts Office by re-designating them as Junior Audit Officers and assign the Gazetted status to them. 

29. Extend the Health cards facility to retired employees / Teachers of Model Schools who were appointed after 01-09-2004.

30. Extend the facility of FTA (Fixed Travelling Allowance) to employees working in ICDS and also enhance the retirement age contract employees from 58 to 60 years. 

31. We request to treat the Veterinary Live Stock Instructors working in Veterinary Department to re-designate as Junior Veterinary Officer and assigned the Gazzetted status to them and also to provide minimum facility like washroom facility to women employees working in Animal Husbandry Department in rural areas.

32. With regard to up-gradation of Language Pandit Posts, the Government have sanctioned 10224 School Assistant posts and promoted all the language teachers leaving only 1380 Language Teachers. Request the Government to create 1380 supernumerary School Assistant posts in Education Department immediately in order to adjust remaining 1380 more Telugu, Hindi, Urdu and Oriya Language Teachers who were left due to non availability of vacancies.  

33. A. Issues of Contract  Employees:

The Government shall take immediate steps to pay salaries to contract employees on the first day of every month on par with Government employees as they are also playing a key role in transparent implementation of Government schemes.

The retirement age for contract employees should also be raised from 58 years to 60 years on par with Government employees.

All the eligible contract employees services should regularized immediately.

The Government should ensure that the posts where Contract employees are working should not be filled up by direct recruitment. 

All contract employees have to be issued Employees Health Cards on par with regular employees.

The 11th PRC should be implemented to all Contract employees by paying the same pay scale & other emoluments on par with regular employees by withdrawing the G.O.No. 27 issued by the then Government.

 B. Out Sourcing employees :

Heartfelt Thanks to Sri Y.S.Jagan Mohan Reddy garu, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh for establishing separate Corporation in the name of “APCOS” exclusively for the Out Sourcing employees working in the state as assured by the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Govt.of Andhra Pradesh. 

The Government shall take immediate steps to pay salaries to Outsouring employees on the first day of every month on par with Government employees as they are also playing a key role in transparent implementation of Government schemes

The long-awaited desire of “increase the salaries of out sourcing employees” have to be fulfilled immediately.

34. The Government have to ensure all the outsourcing employees working in the state that they will not be removed without any proper reason since some of the  departments removing them from job on the ground that that new agency have entered into agreement.

 35. The services of "NMR, Daily Wages and Part Time, Full Time, Contingent" employees who have been working in Government departments for more than 25 years ie., who appointed before 25.11.1993 have to be regularised immediately as they are all edge of retirement.  

36. The recommendations of the Task Force Committee should be implemented immediately to address the problems of engineers working in various Government departments as it is a long pending demand of Engineers Associations. 

37. We request amend the G.O.Ms.No.18, Dated.10-03-2021 to extend the facility to avail (5) days special casual leave by all women employees without any restrictions as imposed in G.O.Ms.No.18.

38. Request for sanction of Assistant Statistical Officer post at the following mandals:

a. Rowthalapudi Mandal, W.G.District, Kasinayana Mandal, Kadapa District,                       

          Visakhapatnam Urban (3) Mandals, Vijayawada Urban (3) mandals, Guntur                

          Urban Mandal, Nellore Urban and Kurnool Urban.

b. Request for sanction of sanction of Dy. Statistical Officer post at Jangareddy 

          Gudem, W.G.District.

c. Request for sanction of Statistical Officer post in every Revenue Division in the State.

39. Request for providing of House sites to HOD employees who are relocated from Hyderabad to Vijayawada are any other locations in the capital region. 

40. Women employees of the state Government have also to be granted "Two Year Child Care Leave" on par with Central Government Women employees including to the Women employees having surrogacy and adapted children of women employees.

41. The problems of Government Doctors should be solved :

PRC should be implemented with UGC scales for Government Doctors who are performing teaching responsibilities.

Time bound promotions have to be given to all the Govt. Doctors working under the control of Director of Health and APVVP.

Salaries of Govt. Doctors working in Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad have to be paid through Treasury Department.

42. Problems of female employees of ANM / MPHS / PHN / CHO cadres working in the Department of Medical Health should be addressed:

The ANMs & other Medical & Health employees have to paid salaries under head of 2211 and ensure timely payment of salaries to all of them.

Immediate promotions have be given to women ANM / MPHS who are awaiting promotions in the medical health department for the last several years.

Immediate regularization of EC ANMs who have been appointed by the District Selection Committee in the Department of Medical Health in accordance with the Rule of Reservations and who have been performing all kinds of responsibilities on par with regular employees for the last several years and also to provide job security to the 2nd ANMs working in the state. 

43. The RPWD act 2016 Act, which was introduced by the Central Government in 2016 for the rights of the Disabled persons, is already being implemented by 13 states including the state of Telangana. We request the Government to take immediate steps to implement the RPWD Act-2016 in Andhra Pradesh also on the other states including Telangana and save the rights of the Disabled employees working in the State.

44. Since there is no recruitment calendar for every year in the state and it is fact that most of the youth is continuing their higher studies up to the age of 30 years,  we request the Government to increase the weightage from 5 years to 8 years to get the full pension of Government employees. 

45. We request to fill all vacant Assistant Training Officer posts in Govt. ITI’s  & DLTC’s as out of 680 sanctioned posts only 30 are working on regular basis and 400 are working on contract basis remaining 250 posts may fill urgently so as to provide quality of training in ITI’s.

46. A. Request to declare of Probation and implement the Pay Scales without any conditions to the Grama / Ward Sachivalaya Employees.

B. Request to provide all kind of Casual/ Special Casual leaves / Optional/ festival Holidays to the Grama/Ward Sachivalaya Employees on par with Government Employees.

    47. Request to fill up vacant post in A.P. Insurance Medical Department it is bring to your notice that out of total sanction posts are 1325 in all cadres in A.P. Insurance Medical Department only 599 are working presently requesting in 726 posts are laying vacant. It’s therefore requested to take necessary steps to fill up the vacant posts immediately in the interest of Public services.

    48. Animal Husbandry Department Employees Non-Graduate veterinaries conferring the   Gazetted status to Veterinary Livestock Officer post in Animal Husbandry Dept.

    49. We request to designation’s changing of store keeper to Jr. Assistant pertaining to Agriculture  Department (both are Junior Assistant cadre only) in Agriculture Dept.Supplementary to the memorandum submitted on 21-10-2021

The following additional demands were received from various Departments after submission of main memorandum with 49 items.

50.  Amendment to rule 3 of A.P.Panchayat Raj & Rural Development, service rules to provide quota to the feeders cadres of the M.P.D.Os in the Substantive Posts of M.P.D.O., instead of Substantive Vacancies to give protection to the quota of the feeder categories.

51. Request to strengthen the Prohibition & Excise Department by cancelling the deputation of Excise personnel to Special Enforcement Bureau wing and depute police personnel to SEB so that both will control NDPL, NDPS related crime, ID, Gutka, Gambling and online betting.

52. A.P. Irrigation Lascars employees request to from their salaries Head from 27002 to 010 and also request to change Lascars from maintenance staff (work charge) service to  APESS.Govt. Degree colleges Contract JKC full time mentors request to revise their wages on par with Contract Lecturers.

54. Govt. Educational Contract Lecturers & Teachers request to continue their services up to 6o years of their age by removing the existing bond method and also request to extend the PRC benefits to them. 

       55. A.P. Govt. Colleges contract Lecturers request to regularize their services as assured by Hon’ble Minister of Education in the meeting held on 27-09-2021 in the chamber of Hon’ble Minister.

     56. State Audit Department employees request for restoration of facilities withdrawn to them by TTD and the same can be restored by issuing identity card. 

     57. Sub Treasury Officers request to revise the existing promotion ratio between accounts branch and Treasury branch to the post of Assistant Treasury Officers. Existing ratio between Accounts branch and Treasury branch is 5:9. We request to change this as 2:12 as the strength Treasury branch is much more than Accounts branch.

   58. Request to issue orders expedite for sanction of 4 additional post in the cadre of Superintendent          And 2 additional posts in the cadre of Gazetted Superintendent in the Office of the Commissioner, Endowments Departments, A.P., Vijayawada.

   59. A.P. MPHEO’s /CHO’s association request to remove the disparity of Pay scale in the 11th PRC in the cadres of MPHEO’s and PHN’s since this pay scales of both these cadres were equal up to 8th PRC.

   60. A.P. State Grandhalaya Employees request to draw their salaries under Head of the Account 010 instead of Grant-in-Aid.

    61.  A.P. Panchayat Raj Diploma Engineers request that the posts of Assistant Engineers to be incorporated in G.O.Ms.No.15 and also request to amend the G.O.1240 to G.O.296. A.P. Diploma Engineers request to set right pay scale of the AEs to be assumed i.e., one stage below in to that off pay scales of assigned to the post AEE in assuring PRC.

   62. A.P. Technical Officers request to make suitable amendments to service rules in order to appoint candidates under compassionate appointment in the cadre of Technical Assistant as this is the feeder cadre for Engineering Subordinate Services of all Engineering Departments.

   63. A.P. Technical Officers request to assign the Gazetted status to Technical Officers  for Engineering Subordinate Services of all Engineering Departments.

   64. Water Resources Department of A.P. Engineering Subordinate Services Employees request to consider promotion for the post of JTO (DM Gr.III) from Technical Assistant (Tracer) with qualifying service of 3 years.

  65. A.P. Technical Officers request considering the promotion to eligible TA, JTO, ATO and TO to the posts of Asst. Engineer, Asst. Executive Engineer and Dy. Executive Engineer in R&B Department.

  66. A.P. Women & Children Dept. Association request to implementation of 11th PRC and recommendations, CDPO /ACDPO Promotions, recruitment for Vacant EO Grade 1 and 2 Posts, Contract Employees regularization, G.O.Ms.No.5, 14 and 10 are need to be modified as per current situations, designations and needs of the employees, Service rules framing, Attender / Class IV, Admn.Officers @ District levels and Superintendent @ Project level, Menu as per present price lists and Pending Bills, Timely promotion like other Depts in place of vacancy arised.

  67. Connect to Andhra request to regularization of contrac employees working in Connect to Andhra.

  68. United Handlooms & Textiles Employees Welfare request to follow up the proposals to Govt. or conversion of (16) Asst. Development Officer (H&T) posts into (14) Development Officer (H&T) posts without incurring financial Burden.

  69. A.P. State Govt. Pensioners put forth the following requests:

a. Grant of additional quantum of pension varying from 15% to 100% on basic pension which advancement of age.

b. Increase of medical allowance from Rs.300 to 1000.

c. Increase of death relief from Rs.15000 to Rs.30,000 or 1 month pension whichever is higher.

d. Commuted value of pension must be restored on completion of 13 years from the date of payment of pension.

e. Minimum pension to be increased to Rs.13,000.

  70. Implementation of 12 ½ quota of HODs employees to Secretariat in the cadre of Section  Officer, for the last 20 years the above quota not filled.

  71. Irrigation Dept., NGO’s Association request to absorption of Supernumerary Junior Assistants 13 No.s in NSJC O&M Circle Lingamguntla in the regular vacancies.  

  It is further to submit that there is an opinion in the minds of employees in the state that though they are working hard for successful implementation of Government priority schemes even during this Corona, their genuine issues/demands which were promised by the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh also are not being resolved by the Government for the last two years. 

In view of the above, we request the o kindly resolve the above important genuine demands/issues by conducting a meeting with Employees, Teachers & Retired Employees Associations at an early date so that the entire sector of employees and their family members nearly 50 lakh people directly or indirectly will felt very happy. If the above demands/issues which are pending for the last several years are not resolved immediately, there is no other option to us except to go on agitation in a phased manner by the both AP JAC & AP JAC Amaravathi. 

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