Inspections by District / State Authorities – Requested to Maintain Inspection Register in a Qualitative manner- Certain instructions issued Circular: 01 Dt:27.12.21

Inspections by District / State Authorities – Requested to Maintain Inspection Register in a Qualitative manner- Certain instructions issued Circular: 01 Dt:27.12.21


1. Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) for inspections of Village /Ward Secretariats by Higher Authorities issued by Special Chief Secretary to Government. GVWV & VSWS Department dated: 29-09-2020.

2. Govt Memo No. 1227814/GWS01/2020, Dt: 15/09/2021 of GVWV& VSWS Department.

3. Circular No. 150/A/2021/e-1229874, Dated: 27/10/2021.

4. Observations of Higher Authorities during Inspections held on 23.12.2021 in West Godavari District. 

In the reference 1st cited above, the GVWV&VSWS Department had issued Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) for inspection of Village/Ward Secretariats by District / State Authorities for efective functioning and delivery of services within SLA period as prescribed by the Government. 

2. Further requested the District Collectors / Joint Collectors (VWS&D) and Commissioners of Municipal Corporations shall conduct mandated inspections of Village/Ward Secretariats as prescribed by the Government and necessary Mobile APP also enabled.

3. In the reference 2nd cited above, further reiterated instructions issued earlier and in the reference 3rd cited above certain instructions issued and communicated prescribed format for Inspections Register in Village/Ward Secretariats.

4. It is observed during the visits of Higher Authorities that certain Village/Ward Secretariats are not maintaining Inspection Register in a proper & Qualitative manner. 

5. Hence all the District Collectors, Joint Collectors, Sub Collectors and Commissioners of Municipal Corporations are instructed to ensure that all the Village/Ward Secretariats shall maintain Inspection Register without fail in the format enclosed to this circular. Further instructed to fll all the columns in the Inspection Register and ensure rectifcation of gaps identifed in the previous Inspections. 

6. All the Inspecting Ofcers are requested to follow the above instructions without any lapses.

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