KGBVs Recruitment | Teaching Posts Recruitment Guidelines Rc.ESE02 20021 Dt:02-12-2021

AP KGBV Recruitment | AP KGBV Teaching Posts KGBV Dist Wise Vacancies Filling up the vacant posts of Teaching Staff in all the KGBVs in the State – Guidelines and Certain instructions – Issued.

All the Joint Collectors (D), the District Educational Officers and the Additional Project Coordinators, Samagra Shiksha, in the State are informed that as the Government have permitted to fill the certain number of vacancies of teaching Staff, as annexed, in all the KGBVs in the State, they are instructed to take immediate necessary action to fill up the vacancies of teaching staff in all the KGBVs in the State duly following the Guidelines and Schedule scrupulously and report compliance on or before 20.12.2021 to this office. 

KGBVs Recruitment of Teaching Posts:

The following annexures are attached here with:





5. Annexure – V - NUMBER OF PGTs (Vocational) VACANCIES TO BE FILLED



The following guidelines are issued to fill up the teaching staff vacant posts in the KGBVs in the State at district level:

1. A District Level Committee shall be constituted by comprising the following. The District Committee will ensure that the entire process of recruitment of teaching staff vacancies of all categories as per the guidelines. The Member Convener shall take approval of the District Committee at every stage of selection process.

i. Joint Collector(D) -Chairman (as nominee of the District Collector)

ii. Additional Project Coordinator -Member Convener iii.District Educational Officer Member

iv. Asst Director, APMS - Member (except West Godavari District)

2. The Rule of Reservation as prescribed in the A. P. State Subordinate Service Rules, 1996, shall be followed post wise. The roster point shall be continued (post wise/ subject wise) from the next point from where it ended last time. However, all posts shall be filled up with female candidates only. No male is eligible to apply for any post in the KGBVs.

3. No person shall be eligible for any post unless she is above 18 years and below 42 years of age as on 01.07.2021. However, in case of SC/ST/BC/EWS candidates the maximum age limit shall be 47 years and in case of physically challenged candidates the maximum age limit shall be 52 years.

4. The physically challenged candidates, who have percentage of disability as per the DSC norms, shall only be eligible for claiming age relaxation and rule of reservation.

5. The qualifications shall be as prescribed here with for each category of posts. If any clarification required with regards to the qualifications, except PGT (Vocational), the G.O.Ms.No.68, School Education (Exams) Department, dated:26.10.2018 and the clarifications issued shall be considered. With regard to PGT (Vocational), the guidelines issued by the Board of Intermediate, AP, shall be considered.

6. As all the KGBVs in the State have English Medium in all classes, the applicants shall have capability to teach  in  English  Medium. Otherwise, the selection may be cancelled / services may be terminated at any time without prior notice in this regard.

7. The APCs shall make arrangements for identifying existing vacancies in all KGBVs of their concerned districts not exceeding the vacancies annexed and shall invite applications school wise, Subject wise and post category wise.

8. The district is the unit for applying and appointment in any teaching staff vacancies.

9. After scrutinizing the applications duly verifying the qualifications and eligibility in transparent manner, Provisional Merit Lists of eligible candidates shall be prepared post-wise and community-wise for selection of candidates to the posts.

10. All the Provisional Merit Lists shall be displayed at the offices of the APCs, the DEOs and the District Collectors and objections shall be called for. After redressed the objections, Final Merit Lists shall be displayed.

The preparation of Merit Lists with regards to the Principals and PGTs shall be as stated below.

(i) Marks secured in Academic qualification – 40 Marks.

(ii) Marks secured in Professional qualification – 40 Marks

(iii) Experience for 2 years – 10 marks

(iv) Higher Academic qualification – 5 marks

(v) Higher Professional qualification – 5 marks

(vi) The candidates, who worked in any teaching post of any KGBV for not less than 02 years, have satisfactory service and no proved allegations,shall be given preference in merit lists.

The preparation of Merit Lists with regards to the CRTs and PETs shall be as stated below.

(i) Marks secured in Academic qualification – 30 marks

(ii) Marks secured in Professional qualification – 30 marks

(iii) Marks secured in TET – 20 Marks

(iv) Experience for 2 years – 10 marks

(v) Higher Academic qualification – 5 marks

(vi) Higher Professional qualification – 5 marks

(vii) The candidates, who worked in any teaching post of any KGBV  for not less than 02 years, have satisfactory service and no proved allegations, shall be given preference in merit lists.

The preparation of Merit Lists with regard to the PGTs (Vocational) shall be as stated below.

 (i) Marks secured in qualification – 60 marks

(ii) Experience for 2 years – 20 marks

(iii) Higher Academic qualification – 20 marks

(iv) The candidates, who worked in any teaching post of any KGBV for not less than 02 years, have satisfactory service and no proved allegations, shall be given preference in merit lists.

For the purpose of deciding ranks to the candidates with equal marks, the following procedure shall be followed in the given order:

(i) As per date of birth the elder candidate will be given higher rank over a younger candidate.

(ii) If two or more candidates have same date of birth, then candidates belonging to the following communities (in the given order) shall be given a higher rank:

(a) ST (b) SC (c) BC A (d) BC B (e) BC C (f) BC D (g) EWS

(iii) Based on the marks obtained by the candidates in the academic qualifications i.e., Post-Graduation, Graduation, Intermediate/ equivalent examination and tenth/equivalent examination.

(iv) Based on the marks obtained by the candidates in the professional qualification.

15. From the final and approved merit lists, the top meritorious candidates shall be selected and the selection shall be limited to the approved number of vacancies annexed.

16. Counseling shall be conducted to allot places to the selected candidates post wise. The higher need vacancies shall be given preference to allot the places.

17. If the selected candidate not attended on date of counseling / not joined  in the allotted place within  the 15 days from the counseling date she shall be forfeit their selection and the next meritorious candidate shall be selected and be allotted the place. However, this exercise shall be completed within 30 days from the date of first counseling. After the due date no selection and appointment shall be entertained.

18. All posts, except PGTs, shall be contract in nature and the PGTs shall be part-time teachers. The contract / part-time posts shall be conterminous with the centrally sponsored schemes duration and shall not be continued beyond the scheme period under any circumstances.

19. The remuneration shall be fixed from time to time as per the CASP (Community Aid and Sponsorship Program) scheme guidelines without any additional burden to the State Government.

20. No formal appointment orders will be issued to the selected staff but they will be intimated to report to the KGBV to which they are selected for and enter into MOU.

21. The appointment of teaching staff shall be limited for a period of 12 months or the last day of the academic year whichever is earlier. However, they may be continued for next academic years also, if their performance is satisfactory and they are found capable teaching in English medium and their services are in need, duly making fresh MoU for every academic year.

22. The contract will be cancelled at any time in the academic year without assigning any reason or prior notice in case of incapability of teaching in English medium / poor and unsatisfactory performance / misbehavior / misappropriation of funds etc.

23. The candidates selected and appointed in any post do not have any right to claim for regularization in future.

24. The candidate should be willing to do NIGHT DUTY in the KGBV as per the rotation drawn up as per rules.

25. The selection and appointments shall be completed strictly as the schedule annexed.

Recruitment Posts:

CRT -Contract Residetina Teachers -389 Posts
PET- Physical Educational Teacher -34 Posts
PGT- Post Graduate Teachers -467 Posts
PGT - Post Graduate Teachers Vocational -102 Posts

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