GVWV & VSWS Department - Payment of salary on pro rata basis of Bio-Metric Attendance Regarding.
Ref:1.Circular Memo. GAD01 NABEOBMAT /1/2021-PU-B-1 Dt:24-08-2021
2.Minutes of meeting headed by Special Chief Secretary, GVWV&VSWS Secretariat department in the month of August, 2021.
3.Oral Instructions of Director, GVWV&VSWS department A.P., Vijayawada.
4.List supplied from the IT Manager as an abstract of Bio-Metric attendance marked.
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Payment of salary on pro rata basis of Bio-Metric Attendance Rc.01
- All the DDO's of GVWV&VSWS department are directed to strictly comply for with the following guidelines while uploading bills of the month of October, 2021 Village/Ward Secretariat employees for prasad
- Salary for unauthorized absence shall cut on the pro rata basis. The GSWS head office shall provide list of all employees and their salary to be credited to each employee based on their bio metric attendance, marked for the month of October, 2021.
- All the DDOS shall strictly follow salary amounts to be credited to each employee as per the list and ensure for the bills to be uploaded and presented to treasury accordingly.Any deviation from the above guidelines shall be viewed very seriously.
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