Payment of honorarium to Aayas-certain instructions issued-Reg Rc.ESE.02 Dt:28.09.21

School Education Toilet Maintenance Fund Scheme Payment of honorarium to Aayas-certain instructions issued-Reg

Payment of honorarium to Aayas-certain instructions issued-Reg RC.ESE02 Dt:28.09.21

  1. In continuation of this ofce proceedings in the references 2nd & 3rd cited,all the District Educational Ofcers in the State are informed that, the G overnment have issued orders for opening of PA Account in all the district under DTMF under TMF. Further instructions have been issued /released Rs.5.00 Crores to each district towards payment of Honorarium to Ayas from August under TMF and to utilise 1% Admin expenditure.
  2. On enquiries from Finance Department CFMS regarding the payment of honorarium to Aayahs, they informed that to transfer the amounts from DTMF to Ayahs account and suggested to issue instructions to all the District Educational Ofcers to create benecciary codes and map the accounts to DTMF and transfer the funds directly to the Aayas as they are drawing and disbursing
  3. Therefore, all the District Educational Ofcers in the State are instructed to map the Aayas account/Benecciary code/create Benecciary codes to the DTMF immediately and to the transfer the Aayas honorarium payable from August 2021 directly duly after concrmation of attendance from the concerned Head Master. 
  4. A copy of the USER MANUAL circulated by the Finance Department for mapping / creating benecciary codes is communicated for further reference 
  5. Further they are instructed to complete above mapping of the Aayasaccounts within 3 days on receipt of this proceeding with out fail.

This should be treated Most Urgent

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