Engagement of part time Academic Instructor/Vidya Volunteers for the Academic year 2021-22 Rc.3276 Dt:30.09.21

Municipal Teachers - Engagement of part time Academic Instructor/Vidya Volunteers for the Academic year 2021-22-Certain instructions issued - Regarding.Roc.No.3276/2017/E. Dt:30.09.21

Engagement of part time Academic Instructor/Vidya Volunteers for the Academic year 2021-22 Rc.3276 Dt:30.09.21

Engagement of part time Academic Instructor/Vidya Volunteers for the Academic year 2021-22 Rc.3276 Dt:30.09.21

The attention of the Commissioners of ULBS, where Municipal Schools existing, is invited to the reference cited and informed that certain Commissioners of ULBS are requested to permit them to engage part-time Academic Instructor/Vidya Volunteers for the Academic year 2021-22 as there is a shortage of Teachers in the Municipal Schools. Based on the request of the Commissioner of ULBS, information is obtained from the RDMAS on requirement of teachers in the Municipal Schools as per the RTE norms. As per the information received from the RDMAS, the requirement of the part-time Academic Instructor/Vidya Volunteers for the Academic year 2021-22 is about 2400 for smooth functioning of the Municipal Schools.

2. Therefore, the Commissioners of ULBS, where Municipal Schools existing, are requested to take up the following actions before the engagement of part-time Academic Instructor/Vidya Volunteers for the Academic year 2021-22, purely on temporary basis, scrupulously, for smooth functioning of Municipal Schools.

  1. To arrive the surplus/deficit teachers in the ULBS, in school-wise, as per the RTE norms.
  2. To adjust the surplus teachers in the needy schools, within the ULB. After,work adjustment, if any, surplus teachers are left over, they may be adjusted in the High Schools as additional sources based on subject requirement etc.,so as to utilize their services at optimum level keeping in view of strength of the school.
  3. While adjusting the surplus teachers to the schools, preference to be given to the schools with higher strength.
  4. The surplus SGT teachers who possessed B.Ed qualifications shall be adjusted against School Assistant (subjects) as far as possible, in the High Schools and Upper Primary Schools.
  5. Similarly, the surplus Language Pandits, if any, have to be adjusted against School Assistant (Languages) as far as possible, as per the need of the High School/Upper Primary School.
  6. To see at least 50% of subject teachers shall be positioned at High Schools in order to cater to the needs of pupils.
  7. After completion of above exercise, a need assessment report has to be obtained from the Headmasters of each school for engagement of part-time Academic Instructor/Vidya Volunteers.
  8. Based on the assessment reports received from the Headmasters, the requirement of part-time Academic Instructor/Vidya Volunteers for the academic year 2021-22 in the Schools have to be crosschecked with enrollment of students in the school.
  9. Soon after completion of the work adjustment, if still there is a requirement of teachers in the schools, the said gaps may be bridged with by engaging the part-time Academic Instructor/Vidya Volunteers, purely on temporary basis. 
  10. The engagement of part-time Academic Instructor/Vidya Volunteers can be taken up at barest minimum keeping in view of financial resources at ULB level, as no additional funds released to ULBS in this regard. 
3. Further, the Commissioners of ULBS, where the Municipal Schools existing, are requested to following attached Guidelines for selection and engagement of part time Academic Instructor/Vidya Volunteers, purely on temporary basis, in Primay/ Upper Primary/High School for the Academic year 2021-22, without deviation.

4. All the RDMAS in the State are requested to guide the Commissioner of ULBS in engagement of part-time Academic Instructor/Vidya Volunteers, purely on temporary basis and closely monitor the above exercise as per the above guidelines without any deviation and report compliance in the matter, without fail.

Guidelines for selection of Part-Time Academic Instructors in Primary/ Upper Primary/High School:

  1. Candidate must possess the required qualifications (as per service rules) for teaching the subject/language.
  2. He/She should have fluency in English communication skills.
  3. The process of identification, Scrutiny may be done by concerned Commissioner, HM with the support of first senior working subject/ Language teacher in schools, as the case may be, after resolution passed in parents' committee, the proposals have to be placed before the Municipal Commissioner for further action.
  4. After scrutiny of the proposal, the Commissioner shall submit the same to the RDMAS concerned for necessary approvals to engage the part time Academic Instructor/Vidya Volunteers in the ULB,
  5. In case of GVMC & VMC, the Commissioners shall take action at their level as per the above guidelines. 
  6. Transparency shall be maintained without deviating the procedure. 
  7. The expenditure for engagement of part-time Academic Instructor/Vidya Volunteers shall be met from the Municipal General Funds of the concerned ULBS, duly taking the approval of the council. 
  8. The Honorarium for the part-time Academic Instructor/Vidya Volunteers shall be Rs.8000/- per month.
  9. In respect of Grade-III and Nagara Panchayats where there are no adequate funds are available for engagement of part-time Academic Instructors, the concerned Gr-III/NP shall procure funds from CSR Component to meet the honorarium for the academic instructors, if funds are not available.

Guidelines and Proceeding 

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